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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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imaksraq, dl. imaksraak, pl. imaksrat

Give me the yeast.
Imaksraq qairruŋ uvamnun.

2. yeast bread
-puvlakkuaq-, qaqqiaq dl. qaqqiak, pl. qaqqiat

Yeast bread is delicious to eat.
Qaqqiaq kayumiktuq niġiruni.

to be yellow

It is yellow.

Butter is yellow.
Para suŋaqpaluuruq.
to yelp, howl with pain

it is yelping with pain
avaalaruq, dl. avaalaruk, pl. avaalarut

The dog is yelping with pain because he is hurt.
Qipmiq avaalaruq atniqhuni.
aa, ii

2. to say yes, to assent

she said yes
aŋiqtuq, dl. aŋiqtuk, pl. aŋiqtut

he said yes to her
aŋiġaa, dl. aŋiġaak, pl. aŋiġaat

They answered yes to her question.
Aŋiġaat apiqsruqman.
ikpaksraq or ippaksraq

I set a net yesterday.
Ikpaksraq kuvriqsuŋa.
plus tutin, dl. plus tutik, pl. plus tusri [used with verb stems with no strong I in semi-final position]

plus rutin, dl. plus rutik, pl. plus rusri [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]

plus sutin, dl. plus sutik, pl. plus susri [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in k or q]

plus chutin, dl. plus chutik, pl. plus chusri [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in t]

You are wearing my jacket.
Atuqtutin uvva quppiġaamnik.

You [2] are wearing my jackets.
Atuqtutik uvva quppiġaamnik.

You [3 plus] are wearing my jackets.
Atuqtusri uvva quppiġaamnik.

You are good.

You are now out of water.

You don’t have any like that one.

2. you
ilvich, dl. iliptik, pl. ilipsi

Who is going?
Kiña aullaġniaqpa?


2a to you
ilipnun, dl. iliptiknun, pl. iliptitnun

I will give it to you now.
Ilipnun uvva qaiññiaġiga.

2b with you
ilipkun, dl. iliptikkun, pl. iliptigun

I will go with you.
Ilipkun aullaġniaqtuŋa.

2c located with you
ilipni, dl. iliptikni, pl. iliptitni

Can he stay with you?
Ilipni iłhiñauva?

2d from you
ilipniñ, dl. iliptikniñ, pl. iliptitniñ

We will start from you.
Ilipniñ aullaqniiñiaqtugut.
nutaaq, dl. nutaqqak, pl. nutaqqat

There are lots of young people at the teen center.
Nutaqqat iñugiaktut katimmaviŋmi.
to become; to turn into another form; to undergo change; to metamorphize -as in folktales-
plus [ġ]uq [n-n]
plus [ġ]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘q’ or a vowel plus [g]uq is used with a noun that ends in a ‘k’


She became a wolf.

The flower became a berry.
Nauriuraq asriaġuqtuq.


The bear turned into a human being and spoke to him.
Akłam iñuguutiplugu uqaġvigigaa.
to wade [in water]
ipiġaq-, ipiġaaqataq-

he is wading
ipiġaaqataqtuq, dl. ipiġaaqataqtuk, pl. ipiġaaqataqtut

She quickly waded across.
Ipiġaqtuqhuni ikaaqtiqtuq.

2. to wade through snow

she is wading through snow
maugaaqataqtuq or maugaqtuq, dl. maugaqtuk, pl. maugaqtut

The snow on the path is deep and soft enough that one must wade through it. Apqun maugaġnaqsiyaa.
for something to wag its tail

It is wagging its tail.

The dog is wagging its tail.
Qipmiq pamiuruq.
wage, price, payment
akiḷiun, dl. akiḷiutik, pl. akiḷiutit

The person received the payment.
Iñuum akuqtuġaa akiḷiun.
yellow wagtail
iksriktaayuuq, dl. iksriktaayuuk, pl. iksriktaayuich

A yellow wagtail is a bird.
Iksriktaayuuq tiŋmiurauruq.
tavsiñiq or tapsiñiq

She has a pain around her waist.
Tapsiñiġmigun atniutaqtuqtuq.
to wait

she is waiting
taqqiruq, dl. taqqiruk, pl. taqqirut

My father is waiting for me.
Taataga taqqiruq uvamnik.

she is waiting for him
taqqiyaa or taqqigaa, dl. taqqigaak, pl. taqqigaat

They waited for him at the airport.
Taqqigaat mirviŋmi.

2. to wait a long time for a person or animal or bird to appear -usually when hunting-

he is waiting
itchuqtuq, dl. itchuqtuk, pl. itchuqtut

He is waiting for the beaver to come out of the water.
Itchuqtuq pałuqtamun puiruksramun.
to wake up

she has awakened
itiqtuq, dl. itiqtuk, pl. itiqtut

She woke up early this morning.
Itiqtuq uvlaatchiaq.

Wake him up!

2. to awaken another

He woke me up.

I will wake you up.
to walk

she is walking
pisruktuq, dl. pisruktuk, pl. pisruktut

The boy is walking on the tundra.
Nukatpialugruaq pisruktuq natiġnami.

2. to sleepwalk
itivli-, tivli-

he is sleepwalking, talking in his sleep
itivliruq, dl. itivliruk, pl. itivlirut

He was sleepwalking last night.
Itivliruq unnuaq.
katchiq, dl. katchik or katchiik, pl. katchich

The wall is high.
Katchi kiŋiktuq.

War is bad.
Aŋuyałiq pigiitchuq.
a group of fighters, war party

A long time ago a group of fighters fought small villages.
Iŋiḷġaan suġruich aŋuyyiġaqtut nunaaqqiuranik.
arctic warbler, yellow warbler
suŋaqpaluktuŋiq, dl. suŋaqpaluktuŋik. pl. suŋaqpaluktuŋich

2. myrtle warbler
siḷaluksiugauraq, dl. siḷaluksiugaurak, pl. siḷaluksiugaurat

A myrtle warbler is a bird.
Siḷaluksiugauraq tiŋmiurauruq.

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