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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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qutuk, dl. qutuuk, pl. qutuich

The collarbone breaks easily.
Qutuk naviyauruq.

2. to break one's or someone else's

He broke his collarbone.

to be cold
alappaaŋu or qiunaq-

it is cold -as of atmosphere, weather-
alappaaŋuruq or qiunaqtuq

The weather is cold.
Siḷa alappaa. or
Siḷa alappaaŋuruq.

The house is cold when there is no fire.
Qiunaqtuq tupiq ikniġitñami.

2. It is cold!

3. to catch a cold

to have a cold

he has a cold
nuvaktuq, dl. nuvaktuk, pl. nuvaktut

My child has a cold.
Qitunġauraġa nuvaktuq.

My baby has caught a cold.
Paipiuraġa nuvaksiruq.

4. to be cold, to be cooled off -as of an object or surface-

it is cold, cool
nigliñaqtuq, dl. nigliñaqtuk, pl. nigliñaqtut

The water is cold.
Imiq nigliñaqtuq.

club; upper hind leg of caribou, reindeer
anautaq, dl. anautak, pl. anautat

The young man is holding the club.
Anautaq nukatpiam tigummiyaa.

to be obvious, to be clearly visible

it is clear, easy to see, obvious
nalunaitchuq, dl. nalunaitchuk, pl. nalunaitchut

It is easy to see an animal’s trail in the willows.
Nalunaitchut aŋŋugauram tumai avraurat iḷuatni.

2. it is clear, translucent, light enough to see through
qaummaqtuq or qaummaġiksuq, dl. qaummaqtuk, pl. qaummaqut

The drinking glass is clear enough to see through.
Qaummaqtuq nakasruŋŋuaq.

3. it is clear, clouds have dispersed

Today the weather is clear.
Siḷa uvluvak niptaqtuq.
to choose or get

he has chosen

The woman chose the best printed calico.
Aġnaq piksraġniqsuq qaagiksaamik kalikumik.

2. to choose from a variety

I chose these because they are pretty.
Tigusriruŋa ukuniŋa aarigaaŋuniqmata.

to exchange

he has exchanged something
simmiqsuq, dl. simmiqsuk, pl. simmiqsut

They have exchanged their gifts for others.
Simmiqsuk aatchuutiksraġmiknik.

he changed something or he exchanged it
simmiġaa, dl. simmiġaak, pl. simmiġaat

The girl exchanged her toy with the boy.
Aġnauram simmiġaa inattuani nukatpiaġruum pianun.

2. to change, to become different

She has changed.

[comprised of many links]

The chain is used for dogs.
Pituich atuġaqtut qipmiñun.

to be caught, to be snagged

it is caught on a snag -it is ended, finished, stopped-
naattuq, dl. naattuk, pl. naattut

The net got caught on an old tree that was under the water.
Kuvraq naattuq napaaqtuġruaġmun.

iknipiaq, dl. iknipiak, pl. iknipiat

Why don’t you build a campfire?
Sukman iknipialiunġitpich?

2. to cook on a campfire

It is good to cook on a campfire.
Iknipiaqtuqtuni nakuuruq.

3. to roast on a campfire

Pike roasted over a campfire is delicious.
Iknipiakun argiqsaq siulik nakuułallaktuq.

by means of, with this one, near the speaker, not in motion, visible
dl. ukuŋnuuna, pl. ukunuuna

I will go home with this person.
Uumuuna iñukun aŋiḷaaġisiruŋa.

2. by means of, with that one, visible or specified

Be sure and go with that one. [person]
Taavrumuuna aullauraqna.

3. by means of, with these

It is scary to ride on these.
Makunuuna usriaqsiqsuni iqsiñaqtuq.

to butcher, to cut, to perform surgery

he is butchering something
piḷaktuq, dl. piḷaktuk, pl. piḷaktut

He is butchering a moose.
Piḷaktuq tiniikamik.

he is butchering it
piḷakkaa, dl. piḷakkaak, pl. piḷakkaat

My father is butchering a caribou.
Taataa piḷakkaa tuttu.

to bury a dead person, to put in grave

They buried him.

2. to bury into the ground, to cover with soil, mud
sau-, sausri-

he is burying something

The dog is burying the bone.
Qipmiq sausriruq sauniġmik.

he is burying it
saugaa, dl. saugaak, pl. saugaat

They buried him in the ground.
Saugaat nunamun.

to burst, to make a small explosion

It burst.

The balloon burst.
Puviġaaq mapqatittuq.

2. to burst into flame
ikaullak -

it burst into flame
ikaullaktuq, dl. ikaullaktuk, pl. ikaullaktut

The dry land burst into flames.
Ikaullaktuq ikniq pannaġiksaami nunami.

3. she angers easily, she readily blows her top
tuqpallayaruq, dl. tuqpallayaruk, pl. tuqpallayarut

The woman readily blows her top.
Aġnaq tuqpallayaruq.

to burn

it is burning, it is being consumed by fire
ikiruq, dl. ikiruk, pl. ikirut

The house is burning.
Ikiruq tupiq.

2. to be burning -of light-; to be on -of electric light-

it is burning, it is on -of electric light-
ikumaruq, dl. ikumaruk, pl. ikumarut

The light was on all night long.
Ikumaruq naniq unnuavak.

3. a burning place; trash burner; incinerator
ikipkaivik, dl. ikipkaiviik, pl. ikipkaiviich

There are ashes in the trash barrel.
Ikipkaivik aġraqaqtuq.

4. to burn something, e.g. trash

He is burning trash.
Ikipkairuq suaqłuŋnik.

kanayuġaq, dl. kanayuqqak, pl. kanayuqqat
or -Nv., Sl.- kanayuq, dl. kanayuuk, pl. kanayuich

The bull head has a big head.
Kanayuġaq niaquqpaqaqtuq.

to build a house

he is building a house
tuppiruq, dl. tuppiruk, pl. tuppirut

The man is building a house on the top of a hill.
Aŋun tuppiruq ikpium qaaŋanun.

2. to build, to erect

she is building something
nappairuq, dl. nappairuk, pl. nappairut

The man is building his house.
Aŋun nappairuq tupiksraġmiñik.

-lit. rough breasted-
satqagiiḷaq, dl. satqagiiḷak, pl. satqagiiḷat

The buff-breasted sandpiper is a bird with a long bill and spotted stomach. Satqagiiḷaq siyyukpalik tiŋmiuraq, aqiaŋa tuutaulaaq.

imiġaq, dl. imiqqak, pl. imiqqat

The fish broth is hot.
Qaluum imiġaŋa uunaqtuq.

a bridle
qamugviutaq, dl. qamugviutak, pl. qamugviutat

The bridle is used on a sled.
Qamugviutaq atuqtuq qiḷġiñi.

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