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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to camp for the night, to settle at a place during visit or stay, as in a hotel or friend’s house, etc.

he has camped
nullaqtuq, dl. nullaqtuk, pl. nullaqtut

The man has camped at our place.
Aŋun nullaqtuq uvaptitnun.

2. to settle, to put up camp

He has settled to camp across the river.
Inillaktuq kuugum igḷuanun.

3. to go out camping into the country; to go to fish camp

She went camping up the river.
Aullaaqtuq qavuŋa.

to be calm, of water
quunniq- or quunitchiaq-

it is calm
quunniqsuq or quunitchiaqtuq

The river is calm when there is no wind.
Quunniqsuq kuuk anuġaitman.

2. to be calm, patient and complacent

He is calm.

Stay calm!

to call as through a telephone; to call out someone’s name or kinship relation tuqłuq-

He called out her name and she came to him.
Tuqłuqługu atqa aggiqsitkaa. or
Tuqłuġaa, aasriiñ ilaanukhuni.

2. to call out over a long distance as across a river

he is calling out, he is hollering
tuqłularuq, dl. tuqłularuk, pl. tuqłularut

My older sister is calling.
Aakauraġa tuqłularuq.
nuġġaq, dl. nuġġaak, pl. nuġġaich

The cow moose had a calf with her.
Tiniika aġnasraluq nuġġaqaġniqsuaq.

2. calf during first winter
nuġġaaġruk, dl. nuġġaaġruuk, pl. nuġġaaġruich

This is a calf during its first winter.
Una uvva nuġġaaġruk ukiivaaluktuaq.

3. calf during second winter -prime skin-
nuġġaatchiaq, dl. nuġġaatchiak, pl. nuġġaatchiat

This is a calf during its second winter.
Nuġġaatchiaq malġuŋnik ukiiruaq uvva.

calendartatqiqsiutit, tatqiḷiqutit or tatqich

Where is the calendar?
Naami tatqiqsiutit?

She gave me a calendar.
Tatqiḷiqutinik aatchuġaaŋa.
on or under the ground
saiyut or saiyuurat

Here is a cache.
Saiyut uvva.

2. cache with poles supporting it
uŋaluurat or uŋalut

A cache is used for storage.
Uŋalut suuraqaġviurut.

3. an open platform supported by poles also used as a place for storage
qakutit or ikiġġat

Put it on the platform cache.
Iḷḷiuŋ qakutinun.

4. a cache, originally used as an ice cellar
siġḷuaq or siġḷiuuraq

The berries are in the cache.
Asriat siġḷuami ittut.
by means of, with this one, near the speaker, not in motion, visible
dl. ukuŋnuuna, pl. ukunuuna

I will go home with this person.
Uumuuna iñukun aŋiḷaaġisiruŋa.

2. by means of, with that one, visible or specified

Be sure and go with that one. [person]
Taavrumuuna aullauraqna.

3. by means of, with these

It is scary to ride on these.
Makunuuna usriaqsiqsuni iqsiñaqtuq.

to buy, to purchase

he is buying or he has bought
tauqsiqsuq, dl. tauqsiqsuk, pl. tauqsiqsut

The woman has bought some groceries.
Aġnaq tauqsiqsuq niqinik.

he has bought it
tauqsiġaa, dl. tauqsiġaak, pl. tauqsiġaat

He has bought the ball.
Tauqsiġaa aqsraaq.

iqquk, dl. iqquuk, pl. iqquich

Buttocks are for sitting.
Iqquuk aquppisiginaqtuk.

qalukisaq, dl. qalukisak, pl. qalukisat

The butterfly is pretty.
Qalukisaq piññaqnaqtuq.

to butcher, to cut, to perform surgery

he is butchering something
piḷaktuq, dl. piḷaktuk, pl. piḷaktut

He is butchering a moose.
Piḷaktuq tiniikamik.

he is butchering it
piḷakkaa, dl. piḷakkaak, pl. piḷakkaat

My father is butchering a caribou.
Taataa piḷakkaa tuttu.

to bury a dead person, to put in grave

They buried him.

2. to bury into the ground, to cover with soil, mud
sau-, sausri-

he is burying something

The dog is burying the bone.
Qipmiq sausriruq sauniġmik.

he is burying it
saugaa, dl. saugaak, pl. saugaat

They buried him in the ground.
Saugaat nunamun.

to burst, to make a small explosion

It burst.

The balloon burst.
Puviġaaq mapqatittuq.

2. to burst into flame
ikaullak -

it burst into flame
ikaullaktuq, dl. ikaullaktuk, pl. ikaullaktut

The dry land burst into flames.
Ikaullaktuq ikniq pannaġiksaami nunami.

3. she angers easily, she readily blows her top
tuqpallayaruq, dl. tuqpallayaruk, pl. tuqpallayarut

The woman readily blows her top.
Aġnaq tuqpallayaruq.

to burp

he has burped
niksaaktuq, dl. niksaaktuk, pl. niksaaktut

The baby has burped.
Paipiuraq niksaaktuq.

2. to burp up substance -as of babies-

the baby burped
sisugiaqtuq, dl. sisugiaqtuk, pl. sisugiaqtut

The baby burped up milk.
Paipiuraq sisugiaqtuq miluŋmik.

to burn

it is burning, it is being consumed by fire
ikiruq, dl. ikiruk, pl. ikirut

The house is burning.
Ikiruq tupiq.

2. to be burning -of light-; to be on -of electric light-

it is burning, it is on -of electric light-
ikumaruq, dl. ikumaruk, pl. ikumarut

The light was on all night long.
Ikumaruq naniq unnuavak.

3. a burning place; trash burner; incinerator
ikipkaivik, dl. ikipkaiviik, pl. ikipkaiviich

There are ashes in the trash barrel.
Ikipkaivik aġraqaqtuq.

4. to burn something, e.g. trash

He is burning trash.
Ikipkairuq suaqłuŋnik.

puptaqun, dl. puptaqutik, pl. puptaqutit

The buoy is used on the net.
Puptaqun kuvramun atuġaqtuq.

snow bunting
amautligauraq, dl. amautligaurak, pl. amautligaurat

The snow bunting comes in spring time.
Amautligauraq aggiġaqtuq upinġaksrami.

or snow bunting
amautlikkaq, dl. amautlikkak, pl. amautlikkat

The snow bunting is under the tree.
Amautlikkaq ittuq napaaqtum ataani..

bumblebeeigutchaq, dl. igutchaak, pl. igutchaich

The bumble bee can fly.
Igutchaq tiŋmiḷaruq.
kanayuġaq, dl. kanayuqqak, pl. kanayuqqat
or -Nv., Sl.- kanayuq, dl. kanayuuk, pl. kanayuich

The bull head has a big head.
Kanayuġaq niaquqpaqaqtuq.


large bull -just matured-
nukatagaaġruk, dl. nukatagaaġruuk, pl. nukatagaaġruich

This caribou is a large bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagaaġruk.

2. young bull -two to three years old-
nukatagauraq, dl. nukatagaurak, pl. nukatagaurat

This caribou is a young bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagauraq.

3. one-year-old bull
aŋayukłiq dl. aŋayukłik, pl. aŋayukłich

The one-year-old bull is smaller than the two-year-old bull.
Aŋayukłiq mikitluktuq aŋayukłiaġruich.

4. two-year-old bull
aŋayukłiaġruk, dl. aŋayukłiaġruuk, pl. aŋayukłiaġruich

The two-year-old bull is smaller than a mature bull.
Aŋayukłiaġruk mikitluktuq aŋusralumiñ.

5. three-year-old bull
nukatagaq, dl. nukatakkak, pl. nukatakkat

This caribou is a three-year-old bull.
Uvva tuttu nukatagaq.

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