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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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boy -lit., small man-
aŋugauraq dl. aŋugaurak, pl. aŋugaurat

The boy is smaller than a man.
Aŋugauraq mikitluktuq aŋutmiñ.

2. boy
nukatpiaġruk, dl. nukatpiaġruuk, pl. nukatpiaġruich

The boy is talking to the girl.
Nukatpiaġruk uqaqtuq aġnauramun.

3. small boy
nukatpialugruaq, dl. nukatpialugruak, pl. nukpialugruich

The small boy is playing on the swing.
Nukatpialugruaq aġiunaqtuq aŋihisautmi.
brainqaqisaq, dl. qaqisak, pl. qaqisat

An animal’s brain can be used for tanning skins.
Qaqisaq atuġnaqtuq imaqsiruni ammiñik.
bread qaqqiaq

to bake bread

She is baking bread.

2. breadstuffs

breadstuffs, such as bread, crackers, hotcakes, cakes, etc.
qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

to bake or cook breadstuffs, to bake cake

She is baking breadstuffs.
She is baking cake.
bumblebeeigutchaq, dl. igutchaak, pl. igutchaich

The bumble bee can fly.
Igutchaq tiŋmiḷaruq.
calendartatqiqsiutit, tatqiḷiqutit or tatqich

Where is the calendar?
Naami tatqiqsiutit?

She gave me a calendar.
Tatqiḷiqutinik aatchuġaaŋa.
qayaqa skin canoe, kayak
qayaq, dl. qayyak, pl. qayyat

The kayak is smaller than a boat.
Qayaq mikitluktuq umiamiñ.
car aksraktuaq, dl. aksraktuak, pl. aksraktuat

There are many cars in Anchorage.
Aksraktuat iñugiaktut Anchorage-mi.
carry to carry using the hands or arms

he is carrying something
saagaqtuq, dl. saagaqtuk, pl. saagaqtut

She is carrying a bucket.
Saagaqtuq qattamik.

2. to carry on one’s shoulders

he is carrying something on his shoulders
kakaaqtuq, dl. kakaaqtuk, pl. kakaaqtut

He is carrying a child on his shoulders.
Kakaaqtuq iyaalugruaġmik.

3. to carry on one shoulder

she is carrying things on her shoulder
iqsruktuq, dl. iqsruktuk, pl. iqsruktut

He is carrying a box on his shoulder.
Iqsruktuq suluutmik.

4. to carry wood in, to bring wood inside

she is bringing wood inside
qiruksiruq, dl. qiruksiruk, pl. qiruksirut

My son is carrying wood in.
Iñauraġa qiruksiruq.
chair aquppiutaq, dl. aquppiutak, pl. aquppiutat

The chair is big.
Aquppiutaq aŋiruq.
chill to become chilled [of body]

he has become chilled

My mother, who is outside, has become chilled.
Aanaga qiunŋuliġaa aniiqsuaq.

2. to feel chills

I feel chills.

3. to be chilly, of weather

It is chilly.

The weather is chilly.
Siḷa qiunŋunaqtuq.
clock clock, watch, hour
sassaq, dl. sassak, pl. sassat [Russ.]

The clock has stopped.
Sassaq nutqaqtuq.

2. timepiece, clock
tuqtuqtaq, dl. tuqtuqtak, pl. tuqtuqtat [Eng.]

The clock is to keep the time of the day.
Tuqtuqtaq naipiqqun uvlum qanuġiḷisilaaŋanun.
climb to climb

he is climbing
mayuaqtuq, dl. mayuaqtuk, pl. mayuaqtut

He is climbing the tree.
Napaaqtumun mayuaqtuq.

2. to climb, to ascend

she is climbing

Don’t climb!

We will ascend to heaven.
Mayuġisirugut pakmuŋa.
cloud nuviya, dl. nuviyak, pl. nuviyat

Clouds are black when it is going to rain.
Nuviyat qiġñiġaqtut siḷaluguġiaqman.
comb to comb hair

he is combing his hair
iḷḷaiqsuqtuq, dl. iḷḷaiqsuqtuk, pl. iḷḷaiqsuqtut

I combed my hair.

2. to comb hair, to untangle

he is combing it, he is untangling it
iḷḷaiġaa, dl. iḷḷaiġaak, pl. iḷḷaiġaat

She is combing her daughter’s hair.
Iḷḷaiġai paniŋmi nuyai.

3. a comb

Where is my comb?
Iḷḷaigutitka naami?
cook to cook
niqniaq- or nikniaq-

he is cooking
niqniaqtuq, dl. niqniaqtuk, pl. niqniaqtut

My older sister is cooking a rabbit.
Aakauraġa niqniaqtuq ukallimik.

2. to cook
-iuq [initial consonant of the last syllable is geminated and the final vowel- consonant cluster is deleted]


to cook fish

She is cooking fish.

sourdock [pl.]

He is cooking sourdock.


She is cooking soup.

3. -liuq

breadstuffs, biscuits

She is making biscuits.

there is more to this postbase, but the information given is to make the reader aware that it exists when speaking of 'cooking'.

The crab lives in the sea.
Putyuun taġiumi ittuq.
cracker cracker of which pilot bread, saltine crackers and jersey cream crackers are the most common
qaqquliktaq, dl. qaqquliktak, pl. qaqquliktat

I like pilot bread.
cry to cry

he is crying
qiaruq, dl. qiaruk, pl. qiarut

The baby is crying.
Paipiuraq qiaruq.

2. to cry fitfully -of a baby-, to act ill

he is crying fitfully
qiñunaqtuq, dl. qiñunaqtuk, pl. qiñunaqtut

The baby is crying fitfully.
Qiñunaqtuq iyaalugruaq.
cup cup; bailing can for boat
qallun or qallugauraq, dl. qallutik, pl. qallutit

The cup is used for drinking coffee.
Qallun atuġnaqtuq kuukpiaqtuqtuni.

One bailing can is in the boat.
Atausriq qallun umiami ittuq.
curtain taaġutaq, dl. taaġutak, pl. taaġutat

The window has a curtain.
Igaliq taaġutaqaqtuq.

2. curtain
ukkuaq, dl. ukkuak, pl. ukkuat

The house has curtains.
Tupiq ukkuaqaqtuq.

3. to close the curtain, to draw the drapes

Close the curtains on the window.
Ukkuallauŋ igaliq.

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