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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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a chip
iqaaġniq, iqaaŋniq

2. to chip off
iqaaq-, iqaak-

it has chipped
iqaaqtuq or iqaaktuq, dl. iqaaqtuk, pl. iqaaqtut

The wood has chipped.
Iqaaqtuq qiruk.

3. wood chip
ulimmakuq, dl. ulimmakuk, pl. ulimmakut

Gather wood chips!
dew claw
kuvluġuq, dl. kuvluġuk, pl. kuvluġut

The dew claw is part of the caribou’s foot.
Kuvluġuq tuttum isigaiñi ittuq.

to be bright, to be glaring

it is bright, glaring
qitñiaġnaqtuq, dl. qitñaġnaqtuk, pl. qitñaġnaqtut

2. to be bright, to be glowing

it is bright
qaummaġiksuq, dl. qaummaġiksuk, pl. qaummaġiksut

It is bright today.
Qaummaġiksuq uvluvak.

behind it
aquani, dl. aquakni, pl. aquatni

Your boat is traveling behind hers.
Umian igliqtuq aquagun umiaŋan.

2. to stay behind while others go out

stays behind, stays home
pairuq, dl. pairuk, pl. pairut

My daughter stayed home while I went berry picking.
Paniuraġa pairuq aullaqsruġiaqama.

My son stays behind.
Iġñiġa pairuq. or
Iġñiġa paiyugaaqtuq.

3. behind him, her, it
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

There it is behind her.
Taiñña tunuani ittuq.

4. behind a house, tent, building structure
kiluani, dl. kiluakni, pl. kiluatni

It is located behind the house.
Tupqum kiluani ittuq.

to be bashful, shy

he is bashful, self-conscious
kanŋusruktuq, dl. kanŋusruktuk, pl. kanŋusruktut

She was bashful when he spoke to her.
Kanŋusruktuq uqqaaġigvigipmani.

to be bad, evil

he is bad, evil
pigiitchuq, dl. pigiitchuk, pl. pigiitchut

The devil is evil.
Tuunġaq pigiitchuq.

Don’t be bad.

2. he did wrong, he did something bad, he sins
killuqsaqtuq, dl. killuqsaqtuk, pl. killuqsaqtut

He did wrong although he tried not to.
Killuqsaqtuq piñġiññiuraġniallaġmi.

he is attracting caribou by hollering
tuvaaqtuqtuq, dl. tuvaaqtuqtuk, pl. tuvaaqtuqtut

As they were hunting caribou, one person hollered and made noises to attract the caribou.
Tuttunniaqamiŋ iñuk aviumikhuni tuvaaqtuqtuq.

this one [e.g. box, chair, confined area or person who is aware of activity around him] not in motion, visible
uumani, dl. ukuŋnaŋni, pl. ukunani

2. this one [boat, river, train, airplane, area without confines, or a person who is not aware of activity around him] lengthy or in motion, visible marrumani, dl. makuŋnaŋni, pl. makunani

I will sit in this chair.
Uumani aquppiutami aquppigisiruŋa.

I will stay with these people.
Ukunani inniaqtuŋa.

He drowned in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi ipiruaq.

We net for fish in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi kuvraqtuġuurugut.

to ascend, climb, go up

he is ascending, climbing
mayuqtuq, dl. mayuqtuk, pl. mayuqtut

He is climbing up the ladder.
Mayuqtuq tutipqiñi.

to argue, to give reasons for or against something

They -2- are arguing.

2. to disagree verbally, to argue

They -2- have a verbal disagreement.

3. he is argumentative, he is difficult to talk down
qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq, dl. qapiqtaiḷiḷguruk, pl. qapiqtaiḷiḷgurut

That person is argumentative.
Taamna iñuk qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq.

4. he is arguing heatedly
uqaalallapiaqtuq, dl. uqaalallapiaqtuk, pl. uqaalallapiaqtut

to be in agony, to be in intense pain in body or mind, to suffer

He is suffering.

Hudsonian curlew
siuttuvak, dl. siuttuvaak, pl. siuttuvaich

The Hudsonian curlew is a bird.
Siuttuvak tiŋmiurauruq.

cuff of a sleeve; fur on sleeve of a parka
aiġun, dl. aiġutik, pl. aiġutit

The fur on the sleeve of the parka is wolverine.
Aiġun qapviuruq.

a cube
iqirġulik, dl. iqirġullak, pl. iqirġulgich

Give me the cube.
Iqirġulik qairruŋ uvamnun.

crystal rock -crystal bead-
qayuŋnilik, dl. qayuŋnillak, pl. qayuŋnilgich

The crystal rock is shiny.
Qayuŋnilik qivliqtuq.

to crunch with the teeth
qaqquq -

he is crunching
qaqquqtuq, dl. qaqquqtuk, pl. qaqquqtut

The dog is crunching the bone.
Qipmiq qaqquqtuq sauniġmik.

2. to crunch noisily

He is chewing noisily on candy, nuts and crackers.
Qaqqularuq uqummiaqataaniglu, qaqquġnaniglu suli qaqquliktanik.

to crucify -lit., to nail

They crucified him.

crowberry, blackberry
paunġaq, dl. paunġak, pl. paunġat

Blackberries are picked during the fall.
Paunġat ukiaġmi pukugaġigaich.

cross piece of a platform
igḷaaq, dl. igḷaak, pl. igḷaat

The meat cache has cross pieces.
Ikiġġat igḷaaqaqtut.

2. front cross piece
apuġun, dl. apuġutik, pl. apuġutit

The front cross piece is used on a sled.
Qiḷiġiñi apuġun atuqtuq.

3. crossed ropes

There are crossed ropes on a sled.
Saniġaġutit qiḷġiñiittut.

cross fox, blue fox
qianġaq, dl. qianġak, pl. qianġat

The cross fox’s fur is a mixture of orange and black.
Qianġam qaaŋa kaviaqtaaq suli qiġñiqtaaq avugiik.

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