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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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dance to dance

she is dancing
aularuq, dl. aularuk, pl. aularut

The woman is dancing.
Aġnaq aularuq.

he is dancing it -the dance-
aulagaa, dl. aulagaak, pl. aulagaat

2. to do a motion dance

She is dancing to a motion dance song.
Aulagaa sayuun. or

3. motion dance song

4. traditional or common dance song
dig to shovel, to dig with a shovel

he is shoveling, he is digging
nivaktuq, dl. nivaktuk, pl. nivaktut

She is shoveling for Eskimo potatoes.
Nivaktuq masrunun.

2. to dig

she is digging
paksraktuq, dl. paksraktuk, pl. paksraktut

The dog is digging.
Qipmiq paksraktuq.
to take a dip, to immerse oneself in water temporarily

He takes a dip in the water.
Misruktuq imiġmun.
dipnetqalu, dl. qaluk, pl. qalut

The dipnet is big.
Qalu aŋiruq.

2. to use a dipnet; to skim oil or fat when making fish oil, from cooking food, etc.

he is using a dipnet
qaluuqtuq, dl. qaluuqtuk, pl. qaluuqtut

The man is using a dip net for fish.
Aŋun qaluuqtuq qaluŋnun.
dogteam to drive a dogteam
uniaġaq-, uniahaaq-

he is driving a dogteam
uniaġaqtuq or uniahaaqtuq

He is driving six dogs.
Uniaġaqtuq itchaksranik qipmiñik.
door talu, dl. taluk, pl. talut

The door of the house is open.
Tupqum talua aŋmaruq.

2. door material, bear skin door
taluksraq, dl. taluksraak, pl. taluksrat

The door material is made of lumber.
Taluksraq unaqsimiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

3. to close the door

the door has closed

She has closed the door.

Close the door!

4. to open the door

He has opened the door.

Open the door!
drfitto drift away on water, to be blown away

it is drifting away

The boat has drifted away.
Umiaq tiŋittuq.

It blows it away, it causes it to drift -of object-
tiŋitkaa, dl. obj. tiŋitkik, pl. obj. tiŋitkai

The clothes have been blown away.
Atnuġaat tiŋitkai.

2. to drift ashore

It has drifted ashore.

It has drifted ashore across there.
Tipiruq taichuŋa.

it has drifted ashore, lit. it has been caused to be drifted ashore [by wind or current]

The wood has drifted ashore.
Tipigaa qiruk siñaanun.
duck tiŋmiaġruk, dl. tiŋmiaġruuk, pl. tiŋmiaġruich

A duck is smaller than a goose.
Tiŋmiaġruk mikitluktuq tiŋmiamiñ.

2. old squaw duck

3. shoveler

pintail duck4. pintail duck
ivugaq; kurugaq

5. mallard duck

6. red-breasted
merganser paisugruk

7. teal
qaaŋiuraq, qiaŋiuraq, or qiaŋiq

8. greater scaup duck

9. lesser scaup duck

10. king eider duck

11. harlequin duck
saġvam tiŋmiaq

12. baldpate duck
ear siun, dl. siutik, pl. siutit

The girl has an earache.
Aġnauraq siutinŋuruq.

2. ear cavity
siutŋuraq, dl. siutŋurak, pl. siutŋurat

The ear cavity is part of the ear.
Siutŋuraq siutim iḷaviñiġigaa.

3. ear pendant, earring
siutiġun, dl. siutiġutik, pl. siutiġutit

The woman puts on an earring.
Siutiġun aġnam atigaa.
eat to eat

she is eating
niġiruq, dl. niġiruk, pl. niġirut

My father is eating berries.
Taataga niġiruq asrianik.

2. to eat something
sutuq- [only as a question]

What are you eating?

3. to eat, to consume, to drink
plus tuq-, plus suq- after strong I [n-v]

She is drinking tea.

He is eating seal.

I am drinking coffee.

Have some soup!

We will all experience death.
Tuqułiq iluqata apqusraaqsaġumagikput.
eggmannik, dl. manniik, pl. manniich

The goose is sitting on its eggs.
Tiŋmiaq ivaruq manniŋñik.

2. eggshell -lit. egg’s cover
mannium puuŋa

I found an eggshell.
Mannium puuŋanik paqittuŋa.
elderly to become elderly, to grow old -of a man-

He has become elderly. He is nearing old age.

2. to become elderly, to grow old -of a woman-

She has grown old.

Gee! You are getting old.
Attai! Aaquagaqsiñiqsutin.
envelope envelope, wrapper
puuksraq, dl. puuksrak, pl. puuksrat

Envelopes come in varied sizes.
Puuksrat aŋilaaġiiksut.
eye iri, dl. irrak, pl. irit

His eyes are brown.
Irrak iliktaaŋuruk.

2. eyebrow
qavlu, dl. qavluk, pl. qavlut

The eyebrow is on the face.
Qavlu kigiññami ittuq.

3. eyebrow ridge
qavlunaaq, dl. qavlunaak, pl. qavlunaat

A person’s eyebrow ridge is on his face.
Qavlunaaq ittuq iñuum kigiñaŋani.

4. eye cavity
irisriñiq, dl. irisriññak, pl. irisriñġich

The eye cavity is round.
Irisriñiq aqsravaluqtuq.

irigaak or irgaak pl. irigaat

The eye glasses are on the table.
Irigaak niġġiviŋñi ittuk.

6. to close one’s eyes

she has closed her eyes
sikunġiqsuq, dl. sikunġiqsuk, pl. sikunġiqsut

The mother closed her eyes.
Sikunġiqsuq aana.

7. eyelashes

Some eyelashes are short and some are long.
Iḷaŋich siqpiich naitchut aasrii iḷaŋich takiplutiŋ.

8. to have sharp eyesight

he has sharp eyesight
takpiksuq, dl. takpiksuk, pl. takpiksut

The goose has a sharp eye.
Tiŋmiaq samma takpiksuq.

9. to have bad eyesight

he has dull or bad eyesight

My son has bad eyesight.
Iġñiġa takpiitchuq.

10. to have difficulty catching the eye of a person, description of a person who will not look you in the eye, to have shifty eyes

He won’t look a person straight in the eye.

Is he hard to look in the eye?

11. to be shifty eyed, lit, his eyes are fast
fat qaunnaq, dl. qaunnaak, pl. qaunnaich

Animal fat is made into Eskimo ice cream.
Aŋŋugauram qaunnaŋa akutchiraġigaat.

2. to be fat

he is fat
uqsruuruq, dl. uqsruuruk, pl. uqsruurut

The caribou is fat.
Tuttu uqsruuruq.

Is he fat?
fawn nuġġaq, dl. nuġġaak, pl. nuġġaich

This is a caribou’s fawn.
Una tuttum nuġġaġigaa.

2. newborn caribou fawn
nuġġauraq, dl. nuġġaurak, pl. nuġġaurat

This is a newborn fawn.
Uvva nuġġauraq anivaaluktuaq.
fin caudal fin, fishtail
sipik, dl. sippak, pl. sipkich

Fish have fins.
Qaluich makua sipiqaqtut.

2. dorsal fin
suluun, dl. suluutik, pl. suluutit

The dorsal fin of a grayling is long.
Suluun sulukpaukkami takiruq.
fireweed fireweed plant
quppiqutaq, dl. quppiqutak, pl. quppiqutat

Fireweed shoots are edible.
Nuivaaluktuat quppiqutat niġiñaqtut.
fish qaluk, dl. qalluk, pl. qaluich

The fish lives in the water.
Qaluk imiġmi itchuuruq.

2. fish egg
suvak, dl. suvaak, pl. suvaich

Fish eggs are down there in the water.
Suvaich unna imiġmi.

3. to fish

he is fishing
qaluŋniaqtuq, dl. qaluŋniaqtuk, pl. qaluŋniaqtut

My mother is fishing for winter food.
Aanaga qaluŋniaqtuq ukiusaksranik.

4. fishing or seal hole
alluaq, dl. alluak, pl. alluat

The fishing hole is big.
Alluaq aŋiruq.

5. fish hook
niksik, dl. niksiik, pl. niksiich

Where is my fish hook?
Naami niksiga?

6. fishline
ipiutaq, dl. ipiutak, pl. ipiutat

The fishline is attached to the hook.
Ipiutaq ataruq niksiŋmun.

jig7. to fish with a hook

He is fishing.

8. to jig for burbot -mudshark- with special, pronged burbot hook

They are fishing for burbots.

9. to fish for tomcod

They are fishing for tomcod.
Manaqtuqtut uuganun.

10. to fish with a net

She is fishing with a net.

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