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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to cut something crosswise
kiplui -

he is cutting crosswise
kipluiruq, dl. kipluiruk, pl. kipluirut

He is cross-cutting lumber.
Kipluiruq qiruŋnik.

iḷḷuq, dl. iḷḷuuk, pl. iḷḷut

My cross cousin is my dad’s nephew or niece.
Iḷḷuġa taataa uyuġugigaa.

white-winged cross-bill
siyyuum qipiŋaruq, dl. siyyuum qipiŋaruk, pl. siyyuum qipiŋarut

The cross-bill has white wings.
Siyyuum qipiŋaruq qatiqtaanik israġuqaqtuq.


The crop is part of a bird.
Puviaq ittuq tiŋmiurami.

a crease, corrugation
qaugruk, dl. qaugruuk, pl. qaugruich

Here is a crease.
Uvva qaugruk.

to croak, to crow, to quack, to make the noise of an animal

it is croaking

The frog croaks in the evening.
Qalġuġaqtuq naaġaayiq unnuami.

to crimp mukluk soles, originally with teeth

she is crimping soles
kigiraqtuq, dl. kigiraqtuk, pl. kigiraqtut

She is crimping two pair of mukluk soles.
Kigiraqtuq malġuiñik atuŋaŋnik.

to crawl

he is crawling
paamġuqtuq, dl. paamġuqtuk, pl. paamġuqtut

The baby is crawling on the floor.
Paipiuraq paamġuqtuq natiġmi.

to be cranky, -especially of a child- lit., to want to be the boss

he is cranky
atanġusruktuq, dl. atanġusruktuk, pl. atanġusruktut

The child is cranky.
Iyaalugruaq atanġusruktuq.

2. to be cranky, always trying to get his/her way

he is cranky
atanġuturuq, dl. atanġuturuk, pl. atanġuturut

3. he is cranky, he is in a bad mood
siġḷiqiraqtuq, dl. siġḷiqiraqtuk, pl. siġḷiqiraqtut

lesser sandhill crane
tatirgaq, dl. tatirgaak, pl. tatirgaich

The sandhill crane has long legs.
Tatirgaq kanaaqpaqaqtuq.

to covet, crave, desire

She desires a new jacket.
Kaviuqtuq quppiġaamik.

to cough

he is coughing
quhiqsuq, dl. quhiqsuk, pl. quhiqsut

The boy coughs at night.
Nukatpialugruaq quhiġuuruq unnuami.

2. to feel the urge to cough, as in a bad cold

She has the urge to cough.

to copy, imitate

she is copying
tuvraqtuq, dl. tuvraqtuk, pl. tuvraqtut.

He is copying the children.
Tuvraqtuq iyaalugruaġnik.

she is copying him
tuvraġaa, dl. tuvraġaak, pl. tuvraġaat

They copied the pretty mukluks she made.
Tuvraġaich kammiałaniak.

kanŋuyaq, dl. kanŋuyak, pl. kanŋuyat

Copper is expensive.
Kanŋuyaq akisuruq.

qaqquayaaq, dl. qaqquayaak, pl. qaqquayaat

The cookie is sweet.
Qaqquayaaq siiġñaqtuq.
to have convulsions

The baby has convulsions.
Iyaalugruuraq qiluraġaqtuq.
to continue

he is continuing

She is continuing with her work.
Sivutmuuruq savaaġmiñik.
to regain consciousness from sleep, faintness, drunken stupor, daydreaming, etc.

he has become conscious
qauġriruq, dl. qauġriruk, pl. qauġrirut

He has recovered from unconsciousness.
Qauġriruq alapiŋaruaq.

2. to regain consciousness, revive

it has regained consciousness
aŋiruq, dl. aŋiruk, pl. aŋirut

The fox, which was knocked unconscious by a person, regained consciousness.
Iñuum anaukkaŋa kayuqtuq aŋiruq.

to be connected to something

it is connected to something
ataruq, dl. ataruk, pl. atarut

The rope is connected to the net.
Akłunaaq ataruq kuvramun.

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