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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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Five people are talking.
Tallimat iñuich uqaqtut.
flower one small flower, one tiny flower
nauriuraq, nauriaŋuraq

She gave me a flower.
Nauriaŋuramik aatchullakkaaŋa.

2. flower, plant
nauriaq, nautchiaq, dl. nauriak, pl. nauriat

There are many flowers this summer.
Nauriat iñugiaktut auravak.
foot isigak


The foot can be seen.
Isigak tautuŋnaqtuq.

2. to have cold feet

My feet are cold.

3. bones of foot -metatarsals-
sauniŋich isigaich
fork kakiurat

The fork is used for eating.
Kaiurat niġġisaurut.

2. serving fork, lit., big fork pl.

Here are four balls.
Uvva sisamat aqsraat.
fox kayuqtuq, dl. kayuqtuk, pl. kayuqtut

The fox has a long tail.
Kayuqtuq pamiuqpaqaqtuq.

2. black or silver fox
qiġñiqtaq, dl. qiġñiqtak, pl. qiġñiqtat

Black or silver foxes are hard to find.
Qiġñiqtat paqitchiġiitchut.

3. red fox
kavviaq, dl. kavviak, pl. kavviat

The red fox is red.
Kavviaq kaviqsuq.

4. arctic fox

Arctic fox pelts make pretty parka trimming.
Qusrkhaaq atigimi akuġiksuq.

5. blue fox, cross fox

The cross fox pelt is expensive.
Qianġaq akisuruq.
garbage pailigitchivik, dl. igitchiviik, pl. igitchiviich

The garbage pail is full.
Igitchivik immiqsuq.
girl girl lit. little woman
aġnauraq, dl. aġnaurak, pl. aġnaurat

She gave birth to a girl.
Iġñiḷḷaktuq aġnauramik.

2. girl--after puberty; young woman
niviaqsiaq, dl. niviaqsiak, pl. niviaqsiat

The orphan saw a beautiful young lady.
Iḷi appaum qiñiġniġaa niviaqsiałaniaq.

3. girl -before puberty-
niviaqsiaġruk, dl. niviaqsiaġruuk, pl. niviaqsiaġruich

The girl is visiting her grandmother.
Niviaqsiaġruk aanaruaġmiñuqattaaqtuq.

4. little girl
niviaqsialugruaq, dl. niviaqsialugruak, pl. niviaqsialugruich

5. my girlfriend -female to female of same age-
uumaaġa, dl. uumaaka, pl. uumaatka

My girl friend is of the same age as I am.
Uumaaġa ukiuqatigigiga.

6. my girlfriend -male to female, my female partner-
aġnauniġa, dl. aġnauniika, pl. aġnauniitka
-also means father-in-law-

my grandfather

My grandfather is disabled.
Taataruaġa piḷguitchuq.
gun gun, rifle
suppun, dl. supputik, pl. supputit

The gun or rifle is dangerous.
Suppun nuyuaġnaqtuq.
hammerkarruutaq, dl. karruutak, pl. karruutat

Give me the hammer.
Karruutaq mauŋaġuŋ.

2. to hammer

he is hammering

he is hammering it

He is hammering the nail.
Karukkaa kikiak.

3. to hammer, to pound

she is hammering
kauktuq, dl. kauktuk, pl. kauktut

He is hammering a nail.
Kauktuq kikiaŋmik.

4. hammering sound
kauksrula- or karuksrula-
handargak, pl. argaich

Your hands are tanned.
Argaktin siḷaliñiġai.

2. to hand to another person , to give away

he hands it over, he gave it away
qaitchaa, dl. obj. qaitchik, pl. obj. qaitchai

Hand it over to me. Give it to me.
Qairruŋ uvamnun.

3. to have cold hands

My hands are cold!
heateruunnaksaun, dl. uunnaksautik, pl. uunnaksautit

A heater is handy to own when the weather is cold.
Itriliqman uunnaksautiqaqtuni nakuuruq.
heelkikmik, dl. kikmiik, pl. kikmiich

I scraped my heel.
Kikmiga amiiqsiġniġiga.
hold to hold on lap

he is holding it on his own lap
saġliaqtuq, dl. saġliaqtuk, pl. saġliaqtut

A mother is holding the baby on her lap.
Saġliaqtuq iyaalugruaġmik aana.

He is holding it on his own lap.

2. to take hold of
tigu-, tigusri-

he took hold of it

he took hold of something

3. to be holding or to be holding on to

he is holding something
tigummiruq, dl. tigummiruk, pl. tigummirut

he is holding it
tigummigaa, dl. tigummigaak, pl. tigummigaat
home home, household
kiñuniq, dl. kiñunnak, pl. kiñunġich

The home is safe.
Kiñuniq annaummiviginaqtuq.

2. to come home, to go home

He went home.
aki, dl. akik, pl. akit

The hook is hanging on the wall.
Aki naktisrimaruq katchimi.

2. hook
niksik, dl. niksiik, pl. niksiich

The hook is sharp.
Niksik ipiktuq.

3. to hook for fish

he is hooking for fish
niksiksuqtuq, dl. niksiksuqtuk, pl. niksiksuqtut

The boy is hooking for fish.
Nukatpialugruaq niksiksuqtuq qaluŋnun.
4. multipronged fishhook
iqak, dl. iqaak, pl. iqat

to jig for mudshark

They are hooking for mudshark.

The multipronged fishhook is used for mudsharks.
Iqak tittaaliñun atuġnaqtuq.

5. he is making a hook
ice siku, dl. sikuk, pl. sikut

The ice is used for water in winter.
Siku ukiuqman imiġinaqtuq.

2. to get ice for water

he is getting ice
sikutaqtuq, dl. sikutaqtuk, pl. sikutaqtut

Fetch some ice!

3. newly formed ice

Newly formed ice is dangerous to walk on.
Sikuqqamiaq nuyuaġnaq
iciclekusrulugaq, dl. kusrulukkak, pl. kusrulukkat

The icicle is outside the house.
Kusrulugaq ittaqtuq siḷataani tupqum.
IndianItqiḷiq, dl. Itqiḷik, pl. Itqiḷich

The Indian is tanning the moose hide.
Itqiḷiq qitummairuq tiniikam amianik.

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