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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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ivory walrus tusk, ivory
tuugaaq, dl. tuugaak, pl. tuugaat

Walrus tusk is used for carving.
Tuugaaq aiviġmiñ suliuġutigiraġigaat.
jam lit., something to spread with
miñuun, nanuun

Please put jam on my bread.
Miñuutmiktuq miñullauŋ qaqquutiga.
juice juice, kool aid, wine
misruġuq, dl. misruqquk, pl. misruqqut

Cranberry juice is good to drink.
Kikmiññam misruġua imiqtuni nakuuruq.
knapsackaġġitñaq, dl. aġġitñak, pl. aġġitñat

The knapsack is made out of a loon skin.
Aġġitñaq iñiqsimaruq malġim amianiñ.

2. knapsack, packsack, backpack
natmagvik, dl. natmagviik, pl. natmagviich

My packsack is red.
Natmagviga kaviqsaaŋuruq.
kneesitquq, dl. sitquk, pl. sitqut

My knees are cold.
Sitquuka qiqitkik.
knife savik, dl. savvik, pl. saviich

The knife is sharp.
Savik ipiktuq.

2. folding or pocket knife
pitŋuqtaq, dl. pitŋuqtak, pl. pitŋuqtat

He put his pocket knife in his pocket.
Pitŋuqtani aiñiġmiutchiutigaa.

3. a sharp pointed knife for cutting the bottom part of a muskrat
iqquliñ, dl. iqqulisik, pl. iqqulisit

He is using such a knife.
Iqqulitmik atuqtuq.

4. table knife
niġiñiutnaq, dl. niġiñiutnak, pl. niġiñiutnat

The table knife is used for butter.
Niġiñiutnaq atuġaqtuq paramun.

5. woman’s knife
ulu, dl. uluk, pl. ulut

I value my ulu.
Uluga anniġigiga.
lady young woman -marriageable-
niviaqsiaq, dl. niviaqsiak, pl. niviaqsiat

The young woman found a purple flower.
Niviaqsiaq paqittuq tuŋuaqtaamik nauriamik.

2. to be ladylike; to act in a courteous, manner, taking good care of self

The woman is ladylike.
Aġnaq pimmaaġiksuq.
laugh to laugh

she is laughing
iglaqtuq, dl. iglaqtuk, pl. iglaqtut

He is laughing loudly.
Iglaqtuq nipitusripḷuni.

2. to laugh at

He is laughing at her.

3. to think someone is funny

he thinks it is funny
tipsigigaa, dl. tipsigigaak, pl. tipsigigaat

He thought the man was funny.
Tipsigigaa aŋun.

4. to feel like laughing, to chuckle somewhat
tipsisuk-, iglaġusruk-

He wants to laugh.

5. to keep from laughing

He is trying not to laugh.
leg niu, dl. niuk, pl. niut

The legs are used all the time when walking.
Niuk ataramik atuqtuk pisruktuni.

His legs are tired.
Niuk iñiqtuqtuk.

2. calf of leg
nakasruŋnaq, dl. nakasruŋnak, pl. nakasruŋnat

3. to break one’s leg

The boy broke his leg.
Nukatpiaġruk niuggaaqtuq.

4. skin of animal’s foreleg

I used caribou forelegs for mukluks.
Tuttum sivuġaġluŋi atuġitka kammi' ama.

5. front leg of animal
sivulliq, dl. sivulliik, pl. sivulliich

6. upper hind leg
anautaksraq, dl. anautaksrak, pl. anautaksrat

7. lower leg
kanaaq, dl. kanaak, pl. kanaat

The lower leg is under the knee.
Kanaaq ittuq ataani sitqum.
lie to be lying down
nala- or nalauraaq-

he is lying down
nalaruq, dl. nalaruk, pl. nalarut

My grandmother is lying on the bed.
Aanaruaġa nalaruq uqummatini.

he is relaxing, lying down on the bed.
Nalauraaqtuq siñigviŋñi.

2. to lie on one’s back
niġvala- or niġvalaummi-

he is lying on his back
niġvalaruq, dl. niġvalaruk, pl. niġvalarut

The man is lying on his back.
Aŋun niġvalaruq.
to be light, not heavy

it is light -in weight-
uqitchuq, dl. uqitchuk, pl. uqitchut

The wood is light.
Qiruk uqitchuq.
gas light
2. gas light, artificial light

3. to light an artificial light

Please light the lamp.
log cabinmaptiġaq, dl. maptiqqak, pl. maptiqqat

The log cabin is warm.
Maptiġaq uunaqtuq.

common loon
taatchiŋiq, dl. taatchiŋik, pl. taatchiŋich

The common loon lays eggs.
Taatchiŋiq manniḷiraqtuq.

2. Pacific loon
malġi, dl. malġik pl. malġich

The Pacific loon likes to dive.
Malġi nakkaaġaġuuruq.

3. red-throated loon
qaqsrauq, dl. qaqsrauk, pl. qaqsraut

The red-throated loon has a mottled gray head.
Qaqsrauq niaquqaqtuq aġraqtaamik.

4. yellow-billed loon
tuutlik, dl. tuutliik, pl. tuutligich

The yellow-billed loon is swimming in the middle of the lake.
Tuutlik narvam qitqani puuvraqtuq.
lumber framing lumber

Trees which are made into framing lumber are few.
Napaaqtut avattaaqtat iñugiakitchut.
man aŋun, dl. aŋutik, pl. aŋutit

old man
, dl. aŋugaatchiak, pl. aŋugaatchiat

The old man has gray hair.
Aŋugaatchiaq qirġiqaqtuq.

2. young man -marriageable-
nukatpiaq, dl. nukatpiak, pl. nukatpiat

The young man is getting married.
Nukatpiaq iḷaqatniŋniaqtuq.
matchikun, dl. ikutik, pl. ikutit

The match is used for starting fires.
Ikun ikniqsuutauraqtuq.
medicineiñuunniun, dl. iñuunniutik, pl. iñuunniutit

Medicine helps sick people.
Iñuunniun ikayuiraqtuq atniġñaqtuanik.
mirror mirror, reflector
taġġaqtuun, dl. taġġaqtuutik. pl. taġġaqtuutit

You can see your reflection in the mirror.
Qiñitlagiñ taġġan taġġaqtuutmi.

2. to look into a mirror

He is looking into the mirror.

Don’t stare into the mirror too much!
mittenaatqan, dl. aatqatik, pl. aatqatit

A mitten can be made from caribou skin.
Aatqan tuttum amianiñ piḷiñaqtuq.

2. three-fingered mitten
tikilik, dl. tikillak, pl. tikilgich

The pair of three-fingered mittens are made from soft tanned caribou skin.
Aatqatik tikillak iñiqsimaruk i
iqniġmiñ, tuttum amianiñ.
moon -month-
tatqig, dl. tatqik, pl. tatqich

The moon provides light at night.
Tatqiq qaummatauraqtuq unnuami.

2. to be full -of moon-

The moon is full.
Tatqiq naaġuqtuq.

3. the moon has appeared
tatqiq nuiruq

The moon has appeared from behind the mountains.
Tatqiq nuiruq iñġich tunuatniñ.

4. The moon has begun to wane. The moon now rises later.
Tatqiq iqiatchaktuq.

5. for there to be bright moonlight

This evening, there is bright moonlight.
Anaqavak tatqiaġiksuq.

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