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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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pencilaglaun, dl. aglautik, pl. aglautit

The pencil is used for writing.
Aglaun atuġaqtuq aglaktuni.
to pick up many items

he is picking up again and again, he is gathering
pukuktuq, dl. pukuktuk, pl. pukuktut

he is picking them up, he is gathering them

He is picking up clothes.
Pukuktuq atnuġaanik.

She is picking up wood chips.
Pukukkai ulimmakut.
pick berries
2. to pick berries

she is picking berries
aullaqsruġniaqtuq, dl. aullaqsruġniaqtuk, pl. aullaqsruġniaqtut

The woman is picking blueberries.
Aġnaq aullaqsruġniaqtuq asriaviŋñik.

3. to pick up, to take hold of something

she has taken hold of something
tigusriruq, dl. tigusriruk, pl. tigusrirut

He has picked up a pencil from the floor.
Aglautmik tigusriruq natiġmiñ.
pillowakiñ, dl. akisik, pl. akisit

A pillow is to lay your head on when sleeping.
Akiñ niaqum tunŋavigigaa siñiktuni.
play to play ball

he is playing ball
aqsraaqtuq, dl. aqsraaqtuk, pl. aqsraaqtut

The little boy is playing ball.
Nukatpialugruaq aqsraaqtuq.

2. to play with toys

he is playing with toys
iŋŋuaqtuq, dl. iŋŋuaqtuk, pl. ŋuaqtut

He is playing with the toys.
Iŋŋuaqtuq iŋŋuanik.

3. to play with toys

He is playing with toys.
Inattuaqtuq inattuanik.

4. to play an instrument

he is playing an instrument
atuqtuuraqtuq, dl. atuqtuuraqtuk, pl. atuqtuuraqtut

The man is playing an instrument.
Aŋun atuqtuuraqtuq.

5. to play in water or with water

she is playing with water
immiqiruq, dl. immiqiruk, pl. immiqirut

He is playing with water in the river.
Immiqiruq kuuŋmi.

6. to play outside

she is playing outside
aniiqsuaqtuq, dl. aniiqsuaqtuk, pl. aniiqsuaqtut

Go play outside!
potatomasru, dl. masruk, pl. masrut

plant of Eskimo potato
masruqutaq, dl. masruqutak, pl. masruqutat

We search for the stems of Eskimo potatoes when gathering them.
Masruqutanik pakigaqtugut masrunniaqapta.
pour to pour

it is pouring
kuviuraaqtuq, dl. kuviuraaqtuk, pl. kuviuraaqtut

It is pouring onto the floor.
Kuviuraaqtuq natiġmun.

he is pouring it
kuviuraaġaa, dl. kuviuraaġaak, pl. kuviuraaġaat

He is pouring the water.
Kuviuraaġaa imiq.
pray to pray
aŋaayyu-, agaayyu-

she is praying

She is praying for her children.
Aŋaayyutigai qitunġani.

2. to ask for, to pray

she is asking for something, he is praying
iŋiqsruqtuq, dl. iŋiqsruqtuk, pl. iŋiqsruqtut

He is praying for help.
Iŋiqsruqtuq ikayuqupluni.

3. prayer
iŋiqsrułiq, pl. iŋiqsrułhich or
aŋaayyułiq, pl. aŋaayyułhich

Prayer is to be said at all times.
Aŋaayyułiq atuumaruksrauruq ataramik.
ptarmigan rock ptarmigan
niksaaktuŋiq, dl. niksaaktuŋik. pl. niksaaktuŋich

The rock ptarmigan lives on the tundra.
Niksaaktuŋiq natiġnami itchuuruq.

2. willow ptarmigan
aqargiq, dl. aqargik, pl. aqargich

The ptarmigan is white in winter.
Aqargiq qatiġaqtuq ukiumi.
puffin common puffin, tufted puffin
qiḷaŋŋaaq, dl. qiḷaŋŋaak, pl. qiḷaŋŋaat

Puffins live at sea.
Qiḷaŋŋaat taġiumi itchuurut.

snowshoe rabbit, varying hare
ukalliuraq, dl. ukalliurak, pl. ukalliurat

The rabbit is good to eat.
Ukalliuraq niġiruni nakuuruq.

snowshoe rabbit
ukalliatchiaq, dl. ukalliatchiak, pl. ukalliatchiat

There are many snowshoe rabbits this year.
Iñugiaktut ukalliatchiat ukiuvak.

2. jack rabbit
ukallisugruk, dl. ukallisugruuk, pl. ukallisugruich

Jack rabbits are also edible.
Ukallisugruich niġiñaqmiuttuuq.

3. to have a rabbit drive, to drive any animal toward a waiting hunter

The people are having a rabbit drive.
Iñuich uŋuraqtut ukalliñun.

to rain

it is raining

It rains during summer.
Siḷalugaqtuq auraġmi.

2. rain coat
siḷaluksiun, dl. siḷaluksiutik, pl. siḷaluksiutit
read to read

she is reading
agliqiruq, dl. agliqiruk, pl. agliqirut

She is reading at school.
Agliqiruq aglagviŋmi.

he is reading it
agliqigaa, dl. agliqigaak, pl. agliqigaat

He is reading his assignment.
Agliqigaa agliqiaksrani.

Don’t read in the dark.
Agliqinak taaġmi.
ring finger ring
qitiqłiġun, dl. qitiqłiġutik, pl. qitiqłiġutit

Your ring is beautiful.
Qitiqłiġutin piññaqnaġniqsuq.
robinkanayuuraq, dl. kanayuurak, pl. kanayuurat

The robin has a red breast.
Kanayuuram aqiaŋa kaviqsuq.
rootamaaq, dl. amaak, pl. amaat

The root is used for making a basket.
Amaaq atuġnaqtuq aimmiruni.
round to be round

it is round
aqsravaluqtuq, dl. aqsravaluqtuk, pl. aqsravaluqtut

The ball is round.
Aqsraaq aqsravaluqtuq.

2. to round a bend, to go around in a half-circle

he is rounding a bend
iivaqsaaqtuq, dl. iivaqsaaqtuk, pl. iivaqsaaqtut

The man went around the bend.
Aŋun iivaqsaaqtuq.

3. to be rounded -of a shape, lit. to be bent-

The front of the sled is rounded.
Qiḷġim sivua piġiaqtuq.
rubber boot -hip boot-
imaqsiun, dl. imaqsiutik, pl. imaqsiutit

Rubber boots are worn when fishing.
Imaqsiutik atuġnaqtuk qaluŋniaqtuni.
rulerruler, measuring device
uuktuun, dl. uuktuutik, pl. uuktuutit

The ruler is old.
Uuktuun utuqqauruq.

2. ruler -of a country-
ataniq, dl. atannak, pl. atanġich

David was a ruler.
David atanġuruaq.
sail tiŋilġautaq, dl. tiŋilġautak, pl. tiŋilġautat

The sail of the boat is white.
Umiam tiŋilġautaŋa qatiqtuq.

2. to sail

he is sailing
tiŋilġaqsiqsuq, dl. tiŋilġaqsiqsuk, pl. tiŋilġaqsiqsut

The man is sailing a boat on a windy day.
Anuġimi tiŋilġaqsiqsuq iñuk umiamik.
salmon salmon, chum, humpback
qalugruaq, dl. qalugruak, pl. qalugruich

The salmon is good to eat.
Qalugruaq niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. humpback salmon
amaqtuq, dl. amaqtuk, pl. amaqtut

The humpback is a fish.
Amaqtuq qaluuruq.

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