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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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akiġuq, dl. akiqquk, pl. akiqqut

The branch of the tree broke.
Napaaqtum akiġua naviktuq.

to braid
piḷiġaq-, piḷġaq-

she is braiding something

She is braiding her own hair.
Piḷiġaqtuq nuyaġmiñik.

he is braiding it
piḷiġaġaa , dl. piḷiġaġaak, pl. piḷiġaġaat

She is braiding her daughter’s hair.
Piḷiġaġai paniŋmi nuyai.

for hunting
qiluiññaq, dl. qiluiññaak, pl. qiluiññaich

The man is making a bow.
Aŋun qiluiññaliruq.

2. arrow
gaġrupiaq, dl. qaġrupiak, pl. qaġrupiat

The bow has arrows.
Qiluiññaq qaġrupiaqaqtuq.

3. arrow pouch

Arrow pouches were made of skin.
Siksisat piḷiuġuunikkaŋich iḷiqniġmiñ.

to bother

she is bothering him
iḷaksiagaa, dl. iḷaksiagaak, pl. iḷaksiagaat

She is bothering the one who was listening.
Iḷaksiagaa naalaġniruaq.

Don’t bother her.

you both, they both

we both, both of us

both of them

Get both of them.
Iluqaaknik pikkik.

2. both sides

The person’s sides are aching.
Saniqqak iñuum igḷuktun atniġñaqtuk.


Books are to be read.
Makpiġaat agliqiaksraurut.

2. to look at a book, thumb through a book

The child is looking at books.
Iyaalugruaq makpiġaaqtuaġuraaqtuq.

to be bold -to be sure of not being refused, to freely help oneself to another’s things-
attaqsranġit-, attaqsrait-

he is bold
attaqsranġitchuq, dl. attaqsranġitchuk, pl. attaqsranġitchut

The man is bold.
Aŋun attaqsraitchuq.


In the old days, they hunted with bolas.
Taimani qiḷamitautinik aŋuniaġaqtut.

to be boastful

he is boastful
kamasraaqtuq, dl. kamasraaqtuk, pl. kamasraaqtut

The man is boastful.
Aŋun kamasraaqtuq.

2. to boast, to brag

she is boasting, she is bragging

She is boasting of her new house.
Uqaviksuq tupitchiaqami.

to blow, to blow out

He blew out the candle.
Supillakkaa kialuuraq.

2. to blow repeatedly

He is blowing into the air- hole of a woodstove.
Supumiksuq supluaqtuġvikun.

3. a blowhole
suppuqtaġvik, dl. suppuqtaġviik, pl. suppuqtaġviich

The whale breathes through his blowhole.
Aġviq aniqsaaġuuruq suppuqtaġviŋmigun.

to be blocking the way, to be in the way

it is blocking the way, it is in the way
avriaqutauruq, dl. avriaqutauruk, pl. avriaqutaurut

The puppy is in the way.
Qipmiuraq avriaqutauruq.


A block and tackle pulls heavy objects.
Kiyipigaurat nuqitchiraqtut uqumaiḷanik.

for there to be a blizzard

It is stormy. There is a blizzard.

to blink

she is blinking
sikunġipaktaqtuq, dl. sikunġipaktaqtuk, pl. sikunġipaktaqtut

The lights are blinking on the tree.
Sikunġipaktaqtut naniŋi napaaqtum.

blessing -passing of power from a shaman to his disciple-
cover, blanket
ulitchiaq, dl. ulitchiak, pl. ulitchiat

A blanket is used when one sleeps.
Siñiktuni ulitchiaq atuġnaqtuq.

iłuuqiñiq, dl. iłuuqiññak, pl. iłuuqiñġich

The blackfish lives in the water.
Iłuuqiñiq imiġmi itchuuruq.

rusty blackbird
tulukkam ittuq, dl. tulukkam ittuk, pl. tulukkam ittut

The rusty blackbird is smaller than a raven.
Tulukkam ittuq mikitluktuq tulukkamiñ.

qiġñiqtaaq, dl. qiġñiqtaak pl. qiġñiqtaat

2. to be black

it is black

qiġñiqtuq, dl. qiġñiqtuk pl. qiġñiqtut

The raven is black.

Tulugaq qiġñiqtuq.

the bit of a drill
sikuq, dl. sikkuk, pl. sikkut

The drill bit is not heavy.
Niuġautmun sikuq uqitchuq.

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