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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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spinal column
kiyipigaq, dl. kiyipikkak, pl. kiyipikkat

The backbone is very strong.
Kiyipigaq saŋŋiḷḷapiaqtuq.

2. small of back -lumbar curve-
tapsiñiq, dl. tapsiññak, pl. tapsiñġich

The small of my back is hurting.
Tapsiñiġa atniġñaqtuq.


it’s stern

Grab the stern of the boat!
Umiam aqua tigguuŋ!

upper back of human body

The child’s upper back is itchy.
Quliik iyaalugruam kumaksruktuk.

2. back of anything
tunu, dl. tunuk, pl. tunut

My back is hurting.
Tunuga atniġñaqtuq.

3. on a person’s back; at the back of
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

The box is in back of the house.
Suluun tupqum tunuani ittuq.

nuliaġutlaiḷaq, dl. nuliaġutlaiḷak, pl. nuliaġutlaiḷat

The bachelor stays alone.
Nuliaġutlaiḷaq kisimi itchuuruq.

2. bachelor, spinster
iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq, dl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷak, pl. iḷaqatnigutlaiḷat

The bachelor lives alone.
Iḷaqatnigutlaiḷaq iñuuniaġaqtuq kisimi.

baby baby, infant
miġaruuraq, dl. miġaruurak, pl. miġaruurat

The infant is crying.
Miġaruuraq qiaruq.

2. baby
paipiuraq [Eng.]

Her baby is cute.
Paipiuraŋa anaŋŋaaŋuruq
ipiġautaq, dl. ipiġautak, pl. ipiġautat

The ax is sharp.
Ipiġautaq ipiktuq.

to be awake

he is awake
itqumaruq, dl. itqumaruk, pl. itqumarut

He was awake all night.
Itqumaruq unnuavak.

2. to be fully awake, alert

she is fully awake
qiptaitchuq, dl. qiptaitchuk, pl. qiptaitchut

The child is fully awake, not sleepy.
Qiptaitchuq iyaalugruaq.

see fall

my aunt, father’s sister
atchaga, dl. atchaaka, pl. atchaatka

My father’s sister is making a parka.
Atchaga atikłiruq.

2. aunt

my aunt, mother’s sister
ayaġruksaaġa, dl. ayaġruksaaka, pl. ayaġruksaatka

My mother’s sister is making a fishnet.
Ayaġruksaaġa kuvriruq.

-molting time, the caribou loses velvet-

In the month of August, the velvet on the antlers of caribou peels off.
Amiġaiqsivik tatqiq tikitman, tuttut nagruŋich amiiġaġtut.

or August
lit., the time to fly away

he is attracting caribou by hollering
tuvaaqtuqtuq, dl. tuvaaqtuqtuk, pl. tuvaaqtuqtut

As they were hunting caribou, one person hollered and made noises to attract the caribou.
Tuttunniaqamiŋ iñuk aviumikhuni tuvaaqtuqtuq.

this one [e.g. box, chair, confined area or person who is aware of activity around him] not in motion, visible
uumani, dl. ukuŋnaŋni, pl. ukunani

2. this one [boat, river, train, airplane, area without confines, or a person who is not aware of activity around him] lengthy or in motion, visible marrumani, dl. makuŋnaŋni, pl. makunani

I will sit in this chair.
Uumani aquppiutami aquppigisiruŋa.

I will stay with these people.
Ukunani inniaqtuŋa.

He drowned in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi ipiruaq.

We net for fish in this river.
Marrumani kuuŋmi kuvraqtuġuurugut.

ashamed to be ashamed of, to feel shame for

he is ashamed of her
kanŋugigaa, dl. kanŋugigaak, pl. kanŋugigaat

She is ashamed of his exaggerated actions.
Pivaałłakman kanŋugigaa.
to ask for something

he asked for something
iŋiqsuq, dl. iŋiqsuk, pl. iŋiqsut

He asked for his food.
Iŋiqsuq niqiksraġmiñik.

2. to ask a question

he asked a question
apiqsruqtuq, dl. apiqsruqtuk, pl. apiqsruqtut

They asked for instructions.
Apiqsruqtuk sułiksraġmiknik.

he asked her
apiqsruġaa, dl. apiqsruġaak, pl. apiqsruġaat

She asked him whether or not he was leaving.
Apiqsruġaa aullaġniaqmaŋaan.


Ashes are left after something burns.
Aġra ikniġmiñ piraqtuq sut ikipmagich.

to ascend, climb, go up

he is ascending, climbing
mayuqtuq, dl. mayuqtuk, pl. mayuqtut

He is climbing up the ladder.
Mayuqtuq tutipqiñi.

taqaqpak, dl. taqaqpaak, pl. taqaqpaich

Blood travels through the artery.
Taqaqpak augum igliġvigigaa.

arrow; shell, bullet
qaġruq, dl. qaġruk, pl. qaġrut

The arrow is red.
Qaġruq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

to arrive, to reach

he has arrived
tikitchuq, dl. tikitchuk, pl. tikitchut

The dogteam racers have arrived.
Uniaġaqqautraqtuat tikitchut.

He reached the village.
Tikitchaa nunaaqqiq.

around here

It is around here.
Maani ittuq.

2. to go around in a circle

She is going around and around, spinning.

He is going all the way around it.

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