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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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The bile of the pike can be eaten like a sauce.
Siulgum suŋaŋa avuginaqtuq niġiruni.

beyond it
uŋataani, dl. uŋataakni, pl. uŋataatni

What is beyond the sky?
Uŋataani qiḷaum sua itpa?

2. beyond reach

It is beyond his reach.
Ayuġaa taamna. or Ayuġnaqtuq.

to be better

It is better.

That one is better.
Nakuutluktuq taamna.

tapsi, dl. tapsik pl. tapsich

The color of the man’s belt is black.
Aŋutim tapsia qiġñiqtaaŋuruq

below it
ataani, dl. ataakni, pl. ataatni

It is below the table.
Niġġiviich ataatni ittuq.

to believe
ukpiq-, ukpiġi-

she believes/believed
ukpiqtuq, dl. ukpiqtuk, pl. ukpiqtut

He believes the story.
Ukpiqtuq unipchaamik.

she believes/believed him
ukpiġigaa, dl. ukpiġigaak, pl. ukpiġigaat

She believed him when he told the story.
Ukpiġigaa unipchaaqman.

to beg, to ask for earnestly

he is begging
iŋiularuq, dl. iŋiularuk, pl. iŋiularut

The child is begging for sweets.
Iyaalugruaq iŋiularuq siiġñaqtaanik.

sivuani, dl. si- vuakni, pl. sivuatni

I entered the house before the dog caught me.
Sivuani qipmim aŋugaluaqtitnaŋa isiqtiqtuŋa tupiġmun.

kiŋmayuk, dl. kiŋmayuuk, pl. kiŋmayuich

The beetle bites.
Kiŋmayuk kigisisuuruq.

2. beetle
aviññaurayuuq, dl. aviññaurayuuk, pl. aviññaurayuut

This black beetle emits a foul odor when crushed.
Aviññaurayuuq aaqqaaŋuruq qaaqtiqtuni.

3. stag bettle
putuguqsiuġayuk, dl. putuguqsiuġayyuk, pl. putuguqsiuġayuich

The water has stag beetles in it.
Imiq putuguqsiuġayuqaqtuq.


The bed is high.
Siñigviich kiŋiktut

to beat another in a contest, fight. etc., to win from another

he beats him -in contest-
akiiḷiyaa, dl. akiiḷiyaak, pl. akiiḷiyaat

My older brother beat the man in a footrace.
Aniŋama akiiḷiyaa aŋun aqpaliutraqamik.

He beats his opponent.
Igḷuni akiiḷiyaa.

2. to be beaten, to not win

He is beaten.

He got hurt, so he lost.
Atniqsiqhuni akiiḷipchaqtuq.


The man’s beard is long.
Aŋutim umŋi takirut.

2. to grow a beard

A man grows a beard on his chin.
Aŋun ummiraqtuq tavlumigun.

niliġnaq, dl. niliġnak, pl. niliġnat

Beans are good to eat.
Niliġnat nakuurut niġiruni.

a beam or ray of light
qaumaniq, dl. qaumannak, pl. qaumanġich

I see a beam of light up there.
Qaumaniq pitcha tautukkiga.


The length of the sled is fourteen feet.
Qiḷġich taktilaaqaqtut qulit sisamat isigaksaġniqtun.

wash basin
iġġuġviuraq, dl. iġġuġviurak, pl. iġġuġviurat

The wash basin is full.
Iġġuġviuraq immaukkaqtuq.

a wooden barrel
qattaġruk, dl. qattaġruuk, pl. qattaġruich

Barrels are good for storing berries in.
Qattaġruich asriaqaġvigiksut.

puviġaaq, dl. puviġaak, pl. puviġaat

Children like balloons.
Puviġaat iyaalugruich pisuugaich.

aqsraaq, dl. aqsraak, pl. aqsraat

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.


The baleen is a part of the whale.
Suqqaq iḷaviñiġigaa aġviġum

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