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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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The smoke smells strong.
Isiq tipituruq.

2. to become smoky

it has become smoky
isiqsiruq, dl. isiqsiruk, pl. isiqsirut

Our village has become smoky.
Isiqsiruq nunaaqqiqput.

3. to smoke a cigarette

he is smoking

he is smoking it

Don’t smoke.
snare -for small game-
nigatchiaq, dl. nigatchiak, pl. nigatchiat

The snare is used for rabbits.
Nigatchiaq atuqtuq ukalliñun.

2. to trap with snares

he is snaring rabbits, ptarmigans

My mother is snaring for ptarmigan.
Aanaga nigatchiaqtuqtuq aqargiñun.

3. to be snared

it is snared
napittuq, dl. napittuk, pl. napittut

The rabbit has been caught in a snare.
Ukalliq napittuq nigatchiamun.
sneeze to sneeze

he sneezed
tagiuqtuq, dl. tagiuqtuk, pl. tagiuqtut

The boy sneezed from too much pepper.
Aŋugauraq tagiuqtuq pappitḷuni.
snowapun, dl. aputik, pl. aputit

The snow is white.
Apun qatiqtuq.

2. to snow

it is snowing -no wind-

3. a snowflake

The snowflake is white.
Qanik qatiqtuq.

4. to be blowing snow, to be drifting along the ground, ice -of snow-

It is blowing snow.

5. fresh snow, powder snow

The fresh snow is clean.
Apun nutaġaq puyaitchuq.

6. glazed snow in thaw time

to be glazed -of snow-

The snow has become hard.
Apun qiqsruqqaqtuq.

7. hard crusty snow

Hard crusty snow is good to walk on.
Sitḷiq pisrugvigiksuq.

8. melting snow

to be melting -of snow-

The snow is melting.
Apun auksałaktuq.

9. soft snow
aqiḷḷuqqaq, dl. aqiḷḷuqqak, pl. aqiḷḷuqqat

Soft snow is hard to travel on.
Aqiḷḷuqqaq sukaiññaqtuq iglauruni.

10. sugar snow -bottom layer nearest ground-
pukak, dl. pukaak, pl. pukaich

Sugar snow is used for making tea on an open fire.
Saiyyiuġniaqtuni siḷakun pukaŋmik aniuksraġnaqtuq.

11. to cover by snowing

it is covering with snow

It snowed last night.
Unnuavak apillaŋniqsuq.

It has covered it with snow.
It is snow covered.

The ground is covered with snow.
Nuna apigaa.
snowshoetaglu, dl. tagluk, pl. taglut

The snowshoes are used on snow.
Tagluk aputmi atuġnaqtuk.

2. snowshoe webbing

They use snowshoe webbing when making snowshoes.
Nuluq atuġaġigaat tagluli’amiŋ.
socksa sock, caribou fur or otherwise
aliqsi, dl. aliqsik, pl. aliqsit

Socks are used inside mukluks.
Aliqsik atuġnaqtuk iluakkun kammak.
soniġñiq, dl. iġñak, pl. iġñiġich

My son went fire fighting.
Iġñiġa ikiliaqtuq.
spear spear; two-edged cutting tool; porcupine quill

The spear has a two-sided edge.
Pana avatmun kigiñaqaqtuq.

2. a harpoon, a spear
nauligaq or nauligaun

Where is your harpoon?
Naami nauligan?

3. to spear

He speared a seal.
Natchiq naulikkaa.

4. three-pronged spear
spoonaluutaq, dl. aluutak, pl. aluutat

Give me the spoon.
Aluutaq qairruŋ uvamnun.

2. little spoon
aluutauraq, dl. aluutaurak, pl. aluutaurat

The little spoon is used when eating.
Aluutauraq niġiruni atuġnaqtuq.
-lit. part of wood-,
-lit. small wood-

2. walking stick, cane
ayaupiuraq, ayaupiaq or ayauppiaq, dl. ayaupiak, pl. ayaupiat

The old man is using the walking stick.
Aŋugaatchiam atuġaa ayaupiuraq.

Give me my cane.
Qairruŋ ayaupiaġa uvamnun.

3. to stick

it is stuck

The tile is stuck on the floor.
Natiksraq nipittuq natiġmun.

4. to be sticky

it is sticky
nipinnaqtuq, dl. nipinnaqtuk, pl. nipinnaqtut

Yuck! It is sticky!
Ikkii! Nipinnaqtuq!
stovepipetuqłuaq, dl. tuqłuak, pl. tuqłuat
SL. puyuġvik, dl. puyuġviik, pl. puyuġviich

The stovepipe is black.
Ikniġvium tuqłuaŋa [or puyuġvia] qiġñiqtaaŋuruq.
stroll to stroll

he is taking a stroll
pisruktuaqtuq, dl. pisruktuaqtuk, pl. pisruktuaqtut

My mother is taking a stroll on the tundra.
Aanaga pisruktuaqtuq natiġnami.
stump tree, willow stump
kiggaq, dl. kiggaak, pl. kiggaich

The willow stump is by the river.
Kiggaq ittuq kuugum siñaani.
suitcase suitcase, handbag
ikpaatchiaq or ikpaitchiaq, dl. ikpaatchiak, pl. ikpaatchiat

Find the new suitcase!
Ikpaatchiaq nutaaq paqirruŋ!

The sun is hot.
Siqiñiq uunaqtuq.

2. to set -of sun, moon-

it -sun, moon- is setting

The sun is setting.
Siqiñiq nipiruq.
sunglasses old style goggles or sunglasses

2. modern sunglasses
siqiñiqsiutik irigaak
swanqugruk, dl. qugruuk, pl. qugruich

Swans are white and they can fly.
Qugruich qatiqtut suli tiŋmitḷarut.
sweep to sweep

she is sweeping
sanŋiyaqtuq, dl. sanŋiyaqtuk, pl. sanŋiyaqtut

The woman is sweeping the floor.
Aġnam natiq sanŋiyaġaa.

2. to sweep

he is sweeping
salikuqtuq, dl. salikuqtuk, pl. salikuqtut

You can use geese wings for sweeping.
Israġuurat salikuutiginaqtut.
swim to swim

he is swimming
puuvraqtuq, dl. puuvraqtuk, pl. puuvraqtut

The boy is swimming in the river.
Nukatpialugruaq puuvraqtuq kuuŋmi.

2. to swim -of an animal-

it is swimming
naluktuq, dl. naluktuk, pl. naluktut

The moose is swimming in the water.
Tiniika naluktuq imiġmi.
swingaŋiłhisaun, dl. aŋiłhisautik, pl. aŋiłhisautit

The swing has a long rope.
Aŋiłhisaun takiruamik akłunaaqaqtuq.

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