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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tiikâan audio (Canis lupus)
tiikâan théth audio wolf hide
êy ehdenh audio without that thing
SEE dry
éł audio with
sh'éł dhíndah audio stay with me
shtá' éł audio with my father
gha audio
dendeey iin aanděg' gha ishndaa audio I work with Native languages
tth'ek audio witch's broom (in spruce trees)
xey audio winter
xey taatl'ed audio mid-winter
Different words are used depending how thoroughly the action is performed.
mejektlet audio I am wiping it (quickly)
tth'aak ejektlet audio I am wiping (drying) the plate
mejekkét audio I'm wiping it (thoroughly)
tuu nee_h_el éł méjekkét audio I am wiping it with hot water
mints'ěn' audio
ehts'eyh audio it is windy
xaghįhts'eyh audio it became windy
tęy k'et det-ts'iik audio it (snow) is blowing on the trail
sits'enal'een audio
shthuuł audio my windpipe ALSO tube
ch'ídhiht'éth audio  I won something
k'ę́y' audio willow
dahłiigaay audio pussy willow
k'aaz tsets audio dry willow or alder branches
łuudh audio mountain willow
SYN buckbrush, dwarf birch
k'ę́y' jiits willow sprouts, new growth
ts'étl tah audio
et-t'aał audio she or he is wiggling, cannot sit still
ts'enîin et-t'aał audio the child is wiggling
sh'aat audio my wife, mate
wu'éł dhíhdaay audio my spouse, the one I stay with
díi gha audio
díi gha ch'e t'inden? audio why are you doing that?
dintéeł audio  it is wide
tsá' ch'e dintéeł audio beaver has a wide tail
shahsęy audio American widgeon (Anas americana)
haashax audio widow or widower

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