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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE crippled
ncháax audio it is large
shax xuncháax audio the house is large
The same basic words are used for 'deep' as in deep snow or water.
shchǒl' audio my larynx
SYN Adam's apple, voice box
shchǒl' audio my voice box
SYN Adam's apple, larynx
The basic words for 'leave' are related to 'go'
natétshah audio she or he has left
perfective paradigm audio
natédhíshshah nats'étdeetl
natédhítshah natédhátdeetl
natétshah naxtétdeetl

shtlęę natétshah audio my friend has left
én' stâanindaay! audio leave, go away!
wuch'áa stánegkáak audio I went away from him or her in a hurry, I left unexpectedly

SEE loan
SEE pick up
tl'uuł audio rope, line
SYN rope
tl'uuł audio rope, line
SYN line
tl'uuł natnełeek audio she or he is carrying a rope
tl'uuł mintl'á' ts'enh xanat-ts'eth audio rope slipped out of his or her hand
tl'uuł dinekcheth audio I am tying a rope
tl'uuł dinek-tsón' audio I am tying rope tightly
tl'uuł k'enéldox audio the rope broke
tl'uuł nétxots audio rope is coiled
The same Tanacross word is used to refer to rendering animal fat.
echees audio it is liquefying, rendering
Irene, ntl'ét nį́hchees audio Irene, cook the cranberries (to liquefy them).
shétth denadh'aay shíi xéhchees audio they melt snow in a bucket
The same Tanacross word is used to refer to liquefying other foods (such as berries) or for melting snow (to use).
ekchaats audio I'm rendering it
ch'ek'ah ehchees audio he is rendering fat
nadh'âay shíi shétth ékchees audio I am melting snow in the bucket
ch'eldlíi' audio
SYN padlock
ch'eldlíi' audio
SYN lock
xneh'ęh audio she or he is looking
mikah xnįh'ęh audio look for it
jâan nįh'ęh audio look at this
SEE see
Words for 'see' and 'look' are the same.
nek-'ęh audio I see (it)
imperfective paradigm audio
nek-'ęh ts'eneh'ęh
nįh'ęh nah'ęh
yineh'ęh xiyneh'ęh

perfective paradigm audio
nek-'ę́' ts'eneh'ę́'
nįh'ę́' nah'ę́'
yineh'ę́' xiyneh'ę́'

díi nį́h'ęh? audio what do you see?
ch'enasheg tah dendeh dendîig neh'ęh audio Down below the man sees a moose
nnek-'ęh audio I see you
shnįh'ęh audio you see me
SEE look

SEE resemble
ndlâan audio
SYN many, much
see 'many' for examples
ndlâan audio many, lots (of something)
wudzih ndlâan nek-'ęh audio I see lots of caribou
SYN lots, much
ndlâan iin audio many people, lots of people
xtíitl gha ndlâan iin nindeetl audio lots of people came for the potlatch
xindlą́ą audio there are many (people)
Fairbanks xt'een iin xghindlą́ą audio there are lots of Fairbanks area people
SEE many
SEE lice

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