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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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Different words are used for the act of boiling or if something is boiling.
ekmeets audio I'm boiling it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekmeets yits'ehmeets
įhmeets ahmeets
yehmeets xiyehmeets

shaadeh sâay ehmeets audio my older sister is boiling rice
xiyikadameets dehnęyh audio it (meat) is par-boiled
tnelxots audio it is boiling
tuu tnelxots audio the water is boiling
ldîil gha tuu tnelxodz sínt'eh audio this is boiling water for tea
dátl'ánélxots audio it boiled over

tth'enh audio
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO book
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO paper
kench'ǒdl' audio  mukluks
ch'edzaa théth kench'ǒdl' audio caribou legging mukluks
thuułshiid audio (Aegolius funereus)
mâagh audio border or edge (of something)
wumâagh nanettl'uun sínt'eh audio it is sown along the edges ALSO edge
mâagh audio
menh mâagh ło'aahaał audio he's walking along the edge of the lake ALSO border
ts'ondéh shédhéhxęę audio  I am bored literally 'boredom is killing me'
ts'axnintthenh audio she or he is bored, has nothing to do, lethargic
nah'ôg ehchaan éł ts'axnintthenh audio it is raining outside so she or he is bored
shexunłęę  I was born
Fairbanks deh ch'e shexunłeen audio I was born in Fairbanks
mexunłęę audio  she or he or it was born
Saagescheeg deh ch'e mexunłeen audio she or he was born in Ketchumstuk (and has passed away)
shaa dhindlah audio  loan it to me
njěyy' shaa dhindlah audio loan me your gloves
SEE loan
ch'egú' audio
yi'éł nách'éhłaay audio  he's bothering it
sh'éł nádájéhłaay audio  that sound is bothering me
sų́'ų wu'éł nách'ų́hłaay audio don't bother it
wukeetl'aa audio it's bottom ALSO sole
shkentsįįth keetl'aa audio the bottom of my moccasin
shkeetl'áa' audio  sole of my foot
yadegket audio  I am bouncing it
yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing (up and down)
shég yik'et ts'į́' yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing up and down on it
tutiił xěez' audio
ts'ehtįį' audio  a bow
ts'ehtįį' tl'ǔul' audio bow string
tsiil audio  boy
tsiil gaay audio young boy

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