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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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xoksaas audio I'm keeping busy, passing time
imperfective paradigmaudio
xoksaas ts'axahsaas
xųhsaas xahsaas
xahsaas xaxahsaas
ghá' audio
ts'enîin etdzuug gha wunąą yédadée'ah audio  the mischievous child was scolded by his or her mother
ch'etsǒl' audio
ughihkéet audio I bought it
perfective paradigmaudio
ughihkéet yuts'ughinkéet
ughinkéet ughahkéet
yughinkéet xyughinkeet

wukęy' k'á' ughinkéet audio her husband bought a gun

imperfective paradigmaudio
u'ihkéet yits'ukéet
u'inkéet u'ahkéet
yuukéet xiyukéet
ts'ôgh shax audio
ts'íitsiy tl'uuł audio
ALSO chain
ts'íitsiy tl'uuł audio
del'ek audio
dahtsaa audio cache up above ground
tsaak'ée audio underground food cache
nîinekchúut audio I cached, stored my food
xey de'ukah shíi nîinekchuut audio I cache food for winter
yenínįhdíik audio it is put aside (saved, cached)
Detl'uun Xe'etcheth audio LITERALLY 'calico tied to it'
sts'ědh' audio my calf
detsîig audio
detl'uun audio
shuusih audio she or he is calling my name
nu'ihsih audio I am calling your name
naa nesheegh, nsts'é xiyusiix? audio what is that plant called?
SEE name
jîiz audio (Perisoreous canadensis)
SYN grey jay, jay
The same Tanacross word includes English 'something is named' and 'something is called'
shuusí' audio my name is shuusí' nee'usí' nuusí' nuh'usí' miisí'xu'usí'
nts'é nuusi'?
audio what's your name?
shtá' Charley miisí'
audio my father's name is Charley
audio his or her name was
stsey Charely mighinsí'
audio my grandfather's name was Charley

xdeexeetl audio  it (weather) is calm, still
néeháał audio she or he camped (overnight)
perfective paradigmaudio
nédhihháał ts'enéeháał
nédhinháał nédhaháał
néeháał xnéeháał

kón' k'ée ts'enéeháał audio we camped (overnight) at the campsite
Tok nihhaak audio I usually spend the night in Tok
teddh dą́'ą shég' nédhihháał audio  I spent the night there last night

jîiz audio (Perisoreous canadensis)
SYN jay, camprobber
níndeyh k'ée audio camping site
dendeey iin níndeyh k'ée níxníndah audio  the people settled at the campsite
kón' dak'ée audio fireplace, customary camping site
kón' k'ée audio  camp

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