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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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téeł audio
rug, mat, mattress
téeł audio
bedding, mat, mattress
ch'elahdziid audio
téeł audio
bedding, rug, mat
This is a general term for insects. See 'bug' for various kinds of insects.
gųų audio
SYN bug ALSO wildman, brushman, worm
ch'elahdziid t'ox audio
gųų audio general term for any kind of bug
SYN insect ALSO worm, brushman, wildman
kinds of bugs
tehk'ąąy audio an orange and white bug that lives at the bottom of lakes, has and moves sideways.
tehtsá'a audio water bug that can fly in the air
ts'ąądihttheeg audio water bug, bloodsucker
ts'aketl'aag a kind of bug or beetle
SEE bug
ch'et-ttheh audio
ch'et-ttheh nach'ih'áatl audio  I ate before them
nuhttheh audio ahead of you all
nuhttheh dą́'ą tah ts'enihthet audio I woke up way before you all
gųų audio Brush Indian. Bogeyman. People in stories that lived apart from society and were often intent in capturing children.
SYN brushman ALSO bug, insect, worm
gųų audio
brushman, insect, bug
Brushman are the topic of many stories.
gųų audio Brush Indian. People in stories that lived apart from society and were often intent in capturing children or women.
SYN wildman ALSO bug, insect, worm
dach'udelkét audio she or he is pleading, begging
shí' gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is begging for food
dets'inkeey gha dach'udelkét audio he or she is praying for the well-being of his children
nadayutnelsú' audio she or he is pleading with him/her
delttheel audio
stsǎadl' audio my belly
SYN abdomen
SEE plead
nandîidz audio behind (nearby)
łii deshax nandîidz eedah audio the dog is sitting behind its house
nnandîidz sits'enal'iin nek-'ęh audio I see a window behind you
yaadíi tah nek-'ę́ę' audio I saw him way behind on the trail.
sts'uuk'ée audio my belly-button
SYN navel
SYN belongings
daashěz' audio
daashěz' chíh tęy xunłeen sixúnt'eh audio there is also a trail from down below

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