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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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Ts'eethaay Ndiig
Niithaayh Ndiig LITERALLY 'gravel creek' \de
Tehłuug Ninhdeex Ndiig \de
shk'oth tth'éegh' my jugular
jêg tú' audio
tsą́ą dadedlih audio she or he is joking, telling a joke
wu'eł tsą́ą didihdlih audio  I am joking with him/her
ts'est'ûud audio (Junco hyemalis)
saa dze'edeex dé' \de
téhsháatl audio she or he jumped
perfective paradigmaudio
tédheksháatl ts'éhsháatl
tédhįhsháatl tédhahsháatl
téhsháatl xtéhsháatl

nâagheksháatl audio I jumped down
ya'ehshék audio he or she is jumping up and down
ya'įhshek audio you are jumping up and down
tl'uuł éł yá'etshék audio she or he is jumping rope
ya'etkeyh audio it is jumping around
łii ya'etkeyh audio the dog is jumping around (while restrained)

ldîil tiił audio
SYN kettle
meldlíi' audio
mekédhekkéyh audio  I kicked it (once)
sheké'ehkéyh audio  she or he kicked me
yeké'éhkeyh audio she or he is kicking it (repeatedly)
tsúugaay eldîil audio  American kestrel
Saagéscheeg audio Ketchumstuck Village
Yaadóg Xt'een Iin audio Ketchumstuck people LITERALLY 'inland area people'
ldîil tiił audio ALSO teapot
teejuh ch'uunęy audio kind, thoughtful person
k'ent'eey audio  a kind or type of something
keechotl k'ent'eey sínt'eh audio this is a kind of mukluk
wunenh ch'et'ą̌ą' nesheegh LITERALLY 'the month the leaves grow'
dhindlah audio you keep (it)
jâan dhihdlah audio I am keeping this one
taach'aa \de (Ceryle alcyon)
naniłxnelts'ú' audio they're kissing each other

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