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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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sts'edz audio my kidney
SEE relative
shgót audio my knee
stsídahgót audio  my kneecap
xnigótdhek-'ah audio I am kneeling
imperfective paradigmaudio
xnigótdhék-'ah xnigót-ts'aah-'ah
xnigótdhį́h-'ah xnigótdháh-'ah
xnigót-'áah-'ah xnigótxáah-'ah
tsets dintsuudl audio
ch'elasées audio
dekjáayh audio  I am making kindling
tthee łedeknęyh audio I am knapping rock
ch'ihtl'uh audio  I am knitting
éth íhtl'uh audio I am knitting a dipnet
seey audio
seey tthí' audio table knife
seey saagh audio curved knife (for snowshoe making)
meetsel audio fish cutter, ulu
seey tsêdl audio pocket knife
ch'iijeey audio fleshing knife
xdekt'enh audio  I am knocking (on a door)
xdįhdón' audio you knock (on the door)
xdeldón' audio there is a knocking, thumping sound
ch'ethuch'ěnn' audio a knot in wood or a stump of branch remaining after branch is broken off
xe'ishdéyh audio I know (it), understand (it)
nee'anděeg' édadishdéyh audio I know our language
me'ishdęyh I know him or her
k'á medadíshdé́y audio I don't know it (language)
xets'ishdiig' audio I don't know it, understand it
kentl'uuł audio shoe, boot laces
ch'egêddh' tl'ûul' audio  laces made from scraps of hide
shinlaatthishuus my knuckles
wuchíi ch'etxêez įhtseyh audio tie a knot!
wuchíi dínį́htl'uh audio  tie a knot!
ts'axt'een audio
menh audio ALSO pond
k'eetthiig' audio lake outlet
menh mâagh audio lake shore audio
ch'elaak'ę́y' audio (Ledum sp.)
demee gaay audio
SEE crippled
Nxaal Měnn' \de

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