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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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Dihthâad Měnn' audio
menh audio pond ALSO lake
xkédíi'aay audio
sdzehdíi audio my lap
nén' audio
shnénn' audio my land
nén' k'et audio on the land
nanint'ek audio  it (bird, airplane) landed (return to the ground)
ts'eyh kétl'á'eełáat audio the boat landed
nee'aanděg' audio our language
Dihthâad Xt'een Iin aanděg' audio Mansfield area people's language
tthé' de'ukah audio for later, until later
tthé' de'ukah xúh dhíndlah audio save it until later
ncháax audio it is large
shax xuncháax audio the house is large
The same basic words are used for 'deep' as in deep snow or water.
teddh dą́'ą audio
teddh dą́'ą ghįhts'eyh audio  it was windy last night
tth'í'elt'éeyh audio he's laying down
imperfective paradigmaudio
tth'ídhegt'éeyh tth1'its'elt'éeyh
tth'ídhilt'éeyh tth'ídhalt'éeyh
tth'í'elt'éeyh tth'íxelt'éeyh
edlóx audio he's laughing
imperfective paradigmaudio
ihdlóx ts'edlóx
indlóx ahdlóx
edlóx xedlóx

nadlókdách'énel'íik audio  she or he is giggling, laughing under their breath
yech'ehdlox audio  he or she is making him or her laugh

ch'enaatthí' audio
ts'axdetdîig audio
tsets ts'į́' ts'axdetdîig audio  he or she is too lazy to bring in wood
etxees audio it is laying eggs
dets'ên etxees audio  the duck is laying eggs
ch'et'ą̌ą' audio
k'įį t'ą̌ą' audio birch leaf
nayitne'áak audio  she or he is leading him or her
del'éetl audio it (water) is leaking, dripping
ehchaan ts'enh shax shíi tuu del'éetl audio it is raining so water is leaking into the house
níihąą audio water level rose, flooded
tuu níihąą audio water flooded
ts'eyh shíi tuu níihąą audio water leaked into the boat
wuteth tédheksháatl audio  I leapt over it
xdegdíix audio I am learning (a physical skill)
imperfective paradigmaudio
xdegdíix dzeldíix
xdildíix xdaldíix
xdeldíix xaxdeldíix

nach'enet-tl'ú'u xdegdíix ts'į́' sídíhdę'ę audio I am learning to sew
When referring to learning an oral skill (such as language or singing), an extra syllable 'da-' is added to the start of the word for "learn".
Dihthâad Xt'een iin aanděg' dadegdíix audio I am learning to speak Mansfield area people's language
nee'aanděg' dadzeldíix audio we are learning our language

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