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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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The same word is used for blinking.
nelts'ék audio he is winking audio negts'ékts'enelts'ék nilts'éknalts'ék nelts'ékxnelts'ék
yits'į́' nelts'ék audio he or she is winking at him or her
naneldzeyh audio light blinks off and on
SEE wink
tuułot audio
minłá' k'et tuułot nídélneyh audio a blister appeared on his or her hand
wudaxdéltsįį audio  it is blocked
dâatth'i'ilshaay éł dedaxdéltsįį audio she or he came in the house in fear and so blocked up the house
xats'í'áldox audio  it is snowing and windy
deł audio
shintsįį deł audio my bloody nose
ch'inkąąy audio boiled blood (from moose, caribou)
shdǎagh' t'êl audio my eyes are bloodshot
xanihshąą audio  blossom, sprout
xt'aghihdlâay k'ót'êey ch'exanihshaan audio I planted something and it is already blossoming, sprouting
ch'esék audio
ALSO shirt
stsįį ch'ishxį́įth audio  I am blowing my nose
chiitah ish-thį́įth audio  I am blowing my nose
ch'esek audio shirt, blouse
eek audio shirt, dress, coat
ch'et'aa eek undershirt
dlaat eek shirt
ekshok audio I am blowing on it
yehshok audio she or he is blowing on it
The same Tanacross word covers the colors blue through green.
deldlêedz audio
jâan tthíishúus deldlêedz sínt'eh audio this is a blue hat
The same Tanacross word covers the colors blue through green.
deldlêedz audio green, blue
sheen tah tl'ox deldléets audio in summer the grass is green
ALSO blue
jêg audio berries in general, but usually referring to blueberries
nit-sį́į' audio ripe blueberries
ch'inłuut audio unripe (green) blueberries ALSO hail
ch'indą̌ąy' audio flower of blueberry (that grows into berry)
dzendaax audio
SYN cliff
ch'inłuut audio ALSO blueberry (unripe berry)
ch'inłuut e'ehchąą audio it is hailing
dzendaax audio a steep river bank or a sharp drop-off in the mountains
sų́'ų dzendaax ghultthiid audio don't fall off the cliff
SYN bluff
xdáag audio edge of a cliff
xdáag dídhíndah audio sit by the edge of the cliff
Included here are words for boats and traveling by boat.
ts'eyh audio modern boat or skiff
k'įį ts'eyh audio birch bark canoe
wudzih theth ts'eyh audio caribou skin boat
lxǒdz' audio large skin boat
ts'eyh tl'á' audio stern of a boat
ghihkeeł audio I'm going by boat
imperfective paradigmaudio
ghihkeeł ts'aakeeł
ghinkeeł ghahkeeł
aakeeł xaakeeł

naghishkeeł audio I'm boating back

wushenh audio his or her whole body ALSO spirit
ch'ethěeg' audio dead body
SYN corpse
ssék audio my torso, upper body

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