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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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me'egndéyh audio I remember (it)
imperfective paradigmaudio
me'egndéyh mets'elndéyh
me'ilndéyh me'aldéyh
ye'eldéyh xiy'e'eldéyh

eshěg' níníh'aan me'egndéyh audio I remembered putting it there
naa dendeh meghegndíik audio I just remembered, recalled that man
jâan eghuldéyh de' audio you should remember this, memorize this

tsoth audio (Mergus serrator)
mech'edhekką́ą' audio  I mended it, patched it (by sewing)
wukéjédhįhką́ą' audio you mended them (moccasins)
wukéjelką́ą' audio the moccasins were resoled
nadhektsįį audio  I mended it
dzeen taatl'ed audio  midday
dzeen ts'į́' deg audio  towards noon
dzeen taandîidz audio  noon
xdek nadatde'aag audio LITERALLY 'someone who carries news'
Tohchenh Menh \de
taandîidz audio
dendeh keey taandîidz xetlaatiił audio a man is driving a sled to the middle of the village
ch'et'úu' audio breast milk
ah'és audio animals move, migrate, walk as a group
Refers to overall movement of more than one animal. Used not only for herd animals such as caribou or sheep but also, for example, of a bunch of loose dogs running around.
nûun natel'és audio animals are moving around
wudzih ndlaan xúh ah'és audio a lot of caribou are moving around there
Chedzǎagh' Ndîig ts'enh wudzih na'al'és audio caribou are migrating from the Fortymile River
altl'eeł herd of animals moves quickly
wudzih naltl'éy áltl'eeł a herd of caribou is moving quickly
xah natedaak audio the goose is walking around
łii atdetth audio The dog is running
shiiní' audio my mind
stsen audio  mine, my own
jâan ch'e stsen audio  this is mine
jâan ch'e sts'en sínt'eh audio this one is mine too \de
łuug shíig' audio minnows, fish fry
tehts'ųųdz audio (Mustela vison)
jeyh audio  mittens
jeyh shíi degndíik audio I put my hand in the mittens
deshoz jeyh audio old time mittens with fur inside
wushíi na'ets'etnel'een audio
et-súuk audio she or he is mischievous
et-sûug audio mischievous person
kentsįįth audio  moccasins, shoes, slippers
ch'ekent'ǎag' audio moccasin tops
niłtah net-tsįį audio mixed together
jêg niłtah net-tsiin sínt'eh audio berries are mixed together
wuk'et ts'axokdęyh audio I miss him or her
shxostl'axú' audio my molar

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