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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shkeetl'áa' audio  sole of my foot
yadegket audio  I am bouncing it
yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing (up and down)
shég yik'et ts'į́' yach'ehdeth audio  it is bouncing up and down on it
tutiił xěez' audio
ts'ehtįį' audio  a bow
ts'ehtįį' tl'ǔul' audio bow string
tsiil audio  boy
tsiil gaay audio young boy
chenhtiił audio
SYN coffin ALSO box
chenhtiił audio
SYN casket ALSO box
chenhtiił audio ALSO casket, coffin
wu'éł natihdaag audio my girlfriend, boyfriend, companion LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO boyfriend
wu'éł natihdaag audio my boy or girlfriend LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO girlfriend
dach'áa' dadetdlíh audio  she or he is bragging about him or her self
dach'áa' ég'ęh audio I did something to brag about
shtthiixą̌ą' audio my brain
nektl'uuł audio  I am braiding it
imperfective paradigmaudio
nektl'uuł ts'enehtl'uuł
nįhtl'uuł nahtl'uuł
yinehtl'uuł xyinehtl'uuł

shtthí' néktl'uuł audio  I am braiding my hair
niłtthí' xnéltl'uuł audio they are braiding each other's hair

k'á niljéd audio
łeedón' audio
detxotl audio it is broken down, not working
aałel etxotl audio the car is broken down
shgáan' étx audio my arm is broken
łatnetxotl audio broken up
perfective paradigmaudio
dedhekxoł dzehxoł
dedhįhxoł dedhahxoł
yidehxoł xiydehxoł

xátnekxótl audio I broke it apart
tl'uuł k'enéldox audio the rope broke

łuut téedéek audio  the ice is breaking up
tenh téedéek audio  the ice is ready to move, break up
shyuutth'ěnn' audio my breastbone
sht'úu' audio my breast
xtsiił audio ALSO fish weir
yaanâan xtsiil kenin'ah audio a bridge crosses the water

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