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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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tanát-t'uut audio  liquid is murky, thick (e.g. muddy water, gravy)
łeech'aak tanát-t'uut audio mud is thick, murky
najalt'enh audio  it (weather) is murky (due to fog, ice fog, smoke)
me'ektset audio  I am pushing it
imperfective paradigmaudio
me'ektset yits'ehtset
me'įhtset me'ahtset
yi'ehtset xiye'ehtset

én' mé'éktset audio  I am pushing it away
ndêddh me'ektset audio  I am pushing it forward

keech'ótl audio
ch'edzaathéth keech'ótl caribou legging mukluks
ch'ut-'ehdenh audio she or he is naked
dints'eeg audio narrow, long also long
dzenh wuché' dínts'eeg audio muskrat has a narrow tail
ch'enę̌yy' audio a mushroom (any kind)
ch'enę̌yy' tthishǔuz' audio cap of a mushroom
łuudh nę̌yy' audio yellow or light brown mushroom
t'aath nę̌yy' audio King Bolete mushroom (red headed mushroom) (Boletus edulis)
k'įį nę̌yy' audio birch bolete (black headed mushroom) (Leccinum scabrum)
shdaayáan' audio my mustache
wutháa kôl audio mute person
ch'etsǒl' audio
then senélshaay any kind of necklace
ch'ink'ón' audio dentalium necklace
shk'oth audio my neck
dzenh audio  muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
níhts'îil audio  muskrat food (watermilfoil) (Myriophyllum spicatum)
dzenh kę̌ę' audio muskrat lodge
dzenh tsědz' audio muskrat tunnel
tl'ankaan audio sewing needle
éth wu'éł éhtl'uun audio dipnet needle
ulsûud audio a needle for sewing cloth
natl'és tl'ankaan audio needle for beading
natnatk'ąąy audio three cornered needle
kâay tl'ankaan audio three cornered needle (?)
tehmíił audio
gųų xǒz' audio stinging nettles
k'á t'êey audio
k'á t'êey xú' tdíndí́il audio you can never say that
k'ah dú' éltsiin audio a new thing, something newly made
niłk'eden wuk'et audio
sht'uutthí' audio my nipple

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