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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ts'ehłóx audio
ts'ehłóx shę́ę' chaldzíis ts'į́' tâatetshaa audio she or he only danced once and then went home
tiitaay audio
xtth'ek \de (Pandion haliaetus)
amah audio
neetsen audio
neetsen ts'enh wutl'ách'ínłeeyh audio give him or her some from ours
naa ts'eyh neets'en sínt'eh audio that boat is ours
niłchitsedz' audio opposite
niłchitsedz' eltsįį audio it looks opposite opposite
niłchiduug audio here and there, scattered about (inland, away from there river)
neeyahch'á' audio other side of us, away from us
neeyaach'á' xdéltth'ih audio they live away from us
nyahch'á' audio other side of you, away from you
ntsį́įth audio (Lutra caadensis)
tsą́ą' shax
wuteth audio
yiteth ghin'éetth audio he stepped over it
nâan audio
negshúuts audio  I am out of breath
takaatú' audio overflow on ice; spring
geetth audio frozen overflow
tuu na'ílgok audio water is overflowing and then freezing
ts'uudzaagh audio horned owl as well as general term for owl (Surnia ulula)
mesiin audio owl
ch'enishchek audio short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
nahdaax audio great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)
tthí'dzaadz audio hawk owl (Bubo virginianus)
shétth ch'emaa audio snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
tthi'dzaadz gaay audio
thuułshiid audio boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
ihdę́'ę audio I own it
shax xúudę́'ę audio he owns the house
nts'į́' xéjihdéyh audio I owe you
ch'etsídáhk'ah audio audio  fat from a moose kneecap used as a baby pacifier
chetkeyh have a pain
shshíi chétkeyh I have a stomachache
shtthí' shíi chétkeyh I have a headache
shxól' tah chetkeyh I have pain in my legs
taat'ôgh audio a paddle
taat'ogh éł áakeeł she or he is paddling a boat
taachet'ogh wu'éł ch'áakeel audio she or he is paddling boat
tach'iht'ox audio I'm paddling
imperfective paradigm audio
tach'iht'ox tayits'et'ox
tach'int'ox tach'aht'ox
tach'et'ox tach'axet'ox

ghegdzéł audio I am paddling fast and smooth

shintl'áa' audio my palm

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