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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'edzǎagh' audio
wuk'et nách'ekt'áatth audio I peeled it (with a knife)
wuk'et nâach'ekt'áatth I peeled them
dekts'ek audio I am peeling birch or willow
nat'u'ekt'įį I usually peel it
wuk'et naxokch'uuł audio I am peeling it (orange, package)
ch'elaat'ûudz dekt'uuts I peeling bark
yehts'el she or he is peeling it
tthí'aał audio
tsets xatnaldok audio wood is piled up in a heap
uljaaddh audio northern pike (Esox lucius)
yixáningéet audio he pierced through it
dedzǎagh' xáningéet audio she pierced her own ear
wu'éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched it
shintsįį éł dádhíhtset audio I pinched my nose (for example to stop a nosebleed)
wunę́ę' netgú' audio his or her face is pimpled, pock marked
ts'íitsiy thǔul' audio
teejuh kadįht'eh audio someone who looks pitiful (can apply to person or animal)
Used as an exclamation with meaning of 'poor thing' or 'that's too bad'
teejuh audio
eshěg' deh audio  that place, right there
na'atthíi eshěg' deh nek-'ę́ę' audio I saw it at that place down there (by the water)
nesheegh audio plants
xt'ach'ihłeeyh audio I am planting a garden
dzehndeedh audio (Anas acuta)
theen ch'enelzhaay semi-palmated_plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
tth'áak audio
xdelxos audio they're playing
imperfective paradigmaudio
degxos dzelxos
dilxos dalxos
delxos xdelxos

shchel łii chox éł délxos audio my younger brother is playing with a big dog
dexos k'ée audio playground, a place for fun

ch'et'ah audio  pocket
ch'etlé' t'ah audio pants pocket
ihdots I am plucking it
dets'ên ghihdóts tl'âan dé' tékłet audio I plucked the duck and then I will singe it

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