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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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nondlêed kentsįįth modern shoes
kentsįįth audio shoes ALSO slipper, moccasin
wuts'ęy audio
dists'ęy taghinhaał audio walk on this side
wusts'ęy taghinhaał audio walk on this side (the outside) of the trail
nelgęyh audio he, she or it is skinny ALSO dry
ehts'iik dą́'ą ts'enh nelgęyh audio he or she is skinny because he or she was sick
shmǎad' audio my sleeve
shmǎad' xanektąą I'm rolling up my sleeves
SEE trip
wudzih sha'eh'ąą a bunch of caribou are making noise, snorting
SEE deprive
kaag audio  surface of something
wukaa inłeeyh audio spread it on the surface
saa audio
xesadin'ąą audio it is sunny
saa dintl'ak'eddh kón' déhken' audio sundog
xasaaghin'ąą audio sunrise
nasaghin'ąą audio sunset
sits'u'âay audio
ssits'u'âay sínt'eh audio that's my thimble
ts'į́' audio toward, to
ts'éhxeh kón' ts'į́' éedah audio  the woman is sitting toward the fire
ch'eninhuuth audio you thread it
łóx ndú' ch'énínhuuth audio thread the fish hook
stsǎadl' audio my abdomen
SYN belly
SEE expensive
SEE together
kón' k'ée audio an old, uninhabited village ALSO campsite, empty (house)
There is no word in Tanacross that corresponds to English 'a' or 'the'. Rather, whether a specific or non-specific thing is meant comes from the context.
gha audio
yaniidą́'ą gha nuh'éł naxghogdeg audio I am telling you all about long ago
ch'echąąshǔ' audio fat around moose stomach
ch'et-ts'iits audio

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