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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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Tats'áltęy audio
Tth'iitú' audio LITERALLY 'straight water'
This normally refers to the Tanana River but can in context be used to refer to any big river.
ekndeyh audio I am tasting it
įhndeyh audio taste it!
łéets xunsų́ų' t'êey mexaldeyh audio the bannock tastes really good to him
elkęyh audio it is tasty also sweet
łuug elkęyh audio the fish is tasty
łayitningáatth audio he tore it up
xaghihgáatth audio I tore it up
yidá' et-tsiin his or her chin is tattooed
ldîil audio
ldîil tatnínts'îig audio  strong (bitter) tea
xuu'ech'axdehdiix audio she or he is teaching them
nuh'edach'axdekdiix audio I am teaching you all (orally)
tsax tú' audio a tear drop
tsax tuu audio tears
xach'unehten audio
tuhtsêdl audio
SEE tooth
ts'ani'elt'eey sínt'eh audio he or she has a bad temper
shxú' audio my tooth
shxostl'aaxú' audio my molar
shinchetthxú' audio my incisor
wu'éł tsąądadihdlih audio  I am teasing him, her or it
ché' delgez arctic tern (Sterna paradisaaea)
ts'ehłox detaan audio
tthé' díndah audio  in the meanwhile, temporarily
jah tthé' díndah dhihdah audio  I am temporarily staying here
tsín'ęę nłęę audio she or he is thankful
tsín'ęę ihłęę audio I am thankful
shxěez' audio my testicles
ch'eseex tthį́į' audio  tenderloin from moose

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