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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'enděddh' audio
êy t'o xúu' shęę' audio that's adequate
xetnelts'étl audio  it is adhered to it
maa yidint'eh audio  she or he admires him/her/it
shaa dint'eh audio  I admire him or her
SEE scold
yitnelshąą audio he adopted him, raised him
yetnelsheex audio  she is raising him
wuts'į́' xghihhá' audio  I advised him or her
shde'intth'ek nts'į́' xghuhhá'a audio listen to me because I am giving you advice
ttheetthił audio  old-time stone adze
niljet audio she or he is afraid
imperfective paradigm audio
negjet ts'eneljet
niljet naljet
neljet xneljet

sų́'ų nuljed audio do not be afraid

tl'âan audio  then
nee'eł ghindah gha tl'âan natetshah audio  he visited us and then went home
êy tl'âan tédhíhshah audio  after that I left
êy gha tl'âan audio  and then
yik'eh audio
łii gaay yik'eh aahaał audio the puppy is following him/her
SEE then
ts'enîin él' audio literally 'with the child '
SYN afterbirth
ts'enîin él' audio
SYN placenta
k'adíidé' audio  in a while (in the future)
k'adíidé' tâatihdaał audio after a while I'm going home
těyy' audio
těyy' xú' dínih audio  say it again
xeł t'aagh audio also twilight
xeł t'aagh audio also afternoon
k'adídą́'ą audio a short while ago
k'adídą́'ą nach'ih'áatl ts'į́' k'á díhtsí́in audio I just ate a while ago so I'm not hungry
k'adîidą́'ą audio a while ago
k'adîidą́'ą nach'ih'áatl ts'į́' k'ôd dihtsįį audio  I ate a long while ago so I'm hungry
yittheh audio
shttheh audio ahead of me
łii gaay yittheh aahaał audio the puppy is walking ahead of him/her

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