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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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shnén' audio my back
shinxǎan' audio my upper back
SEE spine
SEE is
SEE bug
SEE plead
SEE tie
naneldzeyh audio light blinks off and on
SEE wink
The same word is used for blinking.
nelts'ék audio he is winking audio negts'ékts'enelts'ék nilts'éknalts'ék nelts'ékxnelts'ék
yits'į́' nelts'ék audio he or she is winking at him or her
SEE loan
SEE break
SEE make
shuusih audio she or he is calling my name
nu'ihsih audio I am calling your name
naa nesheegh, nsts'é xiyusiix? audio what is that plant called?
SEE name
The same Tanacross word includes English 'something is named' and 'something is called'
shuusí' audio my name is shuusí' nee'usí' nuusí' nuh'usí' miisí'xu'usí'
nts'é nuusi'?
audio what's your name?
shtá' Charley miisí'
audio my father's name is Charley
audio his or her name was
stsey Charely mighinsí'
audio my grandfather's name was Charley

SEE chink
SEE different
SEE burn
SEE shiver
dissiis audio I am shivering (from cold)
imperfective paradigm audio
dissiis ts'etsiis
ditdsiis dat-siis
det-siis xdet-siis

SEE shake
detndiiyh audio it is shaking
SEE shiver
imperfective paradigm audio
dishdiiyh dzetndiiyh
ditndiiyh datndiiyh
detndiiyh xdetndiiyh

nejet ts'enh xadishndiiyh audio I am shaking from fright
ch'edzes éł shax detndiiyh audio the house is shaking from the dance
dihxaat audio I am shaking it (blanket) out
tuu ihtl'ek audio I am shaking water (in a container)

SEE cool
ihddheł audio I am chopping it (into chunks)
imperfective paradigm audio
ihddheł ts'eddheł
inddheł ahddheł
yeddheł xiyeddheł

nén' íhddheł tsaath xaghúhłêel gha audio I chopping at the ground to get roots
ihtthéeł audio I am chopping it
chín'êy éł tsets etthéeł audio he is chopping wood with an axe
SEE cut, hack

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