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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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staninłeeyh audio remove it, put it away
mets'udegnih audio  I am reluctant to start
jeyh nátnédhihtl'ûu ch'e mets'udegnii audio I was going to sew mittens but I am reluctant to start
meshexghųhndéyh de' audio please remind me of it
těyy' xú' dínih audio  repeat it, say it again
sú'u xú' dîighutdę́'ę audio don't do that again
wuk'éetáa ních'éníhdlah audio  I replaced them
sts'į́' naxundeyh audio she or he is replying to me (speaking to me again)
yukah ch'udéhket audio she or he is requesting it, asking for it
miikah ch'udékket I am requesting her, him, it
nayihsųų audio she or he revived him or her, made him or her well
ya'ehaak audio  she or he is moving about, always on the go
mech'etnehłah k'eh shę́ę' dę́'ę audio she or he is restless, acts like something is uncomfortable
elxęę audio it is rich, greasy
gų́ųth audio ALSO fireweed
shshǎaddh' audio my ribs
niłk'éh dínłaak audio she or he got revenge
saay audio rice (newer word)
nindaa gaay audio rice (older word) LITERALLY 'little maggots'
xunsųų ts'ęy audio \de
taandîidz deenii'aay audio
tthiindîidz denin'aay
łáan ch'e lé' audio right on, that's correct
xú' ch'e le' audio that's right
xak'íig audio ridge
xak'íig łóoníhshah audio he or she walked around on the hill
xuk'iig audio sloping ridge
ch'aak'iig audio ridge-line on mountain
delttheeł audio  it is ringing
ekch'eł audio I'm tearing it
łatninch'eł audio it is torn
medihch'eł audio I am tearing it to pieces

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