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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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jêg audio berries in general, but usually referring to blueberries
nit-sį́į' audio ripe blueberries
ch'inłuut audio unripe (green) blueberries ALSO hail
ch'indą̌ąy' audio flower of blueberry (that grows into berry)
ch'inłuut audio ALSO blueberry (unripe berry)
ch'inłuut e'ehchąą audio it is hailing
dzendaax audio
SYN cliff
dzendaax audio a steep river bank or a sharp drop-off in the mountains
sų́'ų dzendaax ghultthiid audio don't fall off the cliff
SYN bluff
xdáag audio edge of a cliff
xdáag dídhíndah audio sit by the edge of the cliff
wushenh audio his or her whole body ALSO spirit
ch'ethěeg' audio dead body
SYN corpse
ssék audio my torso, upper body
xaał audio
SYN swamp
xaał audio swamp, muskeg, area of soft ground
SYN bog
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO paper
dináhtl'aa audio ALSO book
mâagh audio border or edge (of something)
wumâagh nanettl'uun sínt'eh audio it is sown along the edges ALSO edge
mâagh audio
menh mâagh ło'aahaał audio he's walking along the edge of the lake ALSO border
wukeetl'aa audio it's bottom ALSO sole
shkentsįįth keetl'aa audio the bottom of my moccasin
chenhtiił audio ALSO casket, coffin
chenhtiił audio
SYN coffin ALSO box
chenhtiił audio
SYN casket ALSO box
wu'éł natihdaag audio my boy or girlfriend LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO girlfriend
wu'éł natihdaag audio my girlfriend, boyfriend, companion LITERALLY 'the one I usually go around with' ALSO boyfriend
xtsiił audio ALSO fish weir
yaanâan xtsiil kenin'ah audio a bridge crosses the water
tuuth audio
SYN soup
tuuth audio
SYN broth

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