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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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dheksheyh audio  I saved him or her
shtthits'ědl' audio my scalp
Maa Ch'et-tl'eeg Ndîig \de
diinih audio you say
imperfective paradigmaudio
dihnih xonih
dinih dahnih
nih xenih

perfective paradigmaudio
dihní' dziní'
diní' dahní'
diní' xdiní'

nedíhnih audio I say to you, I'm telling you
medíhnih audio I say to her or him
shedíinih audio you say to me, you tell me
medíinih audio you say to him/her
xuu'edíinih audio you say to them
yehnih audio she or he says to her/him
t'êey xú' díinih audio say it again

shétth audio  scar
wunę́ę' k'et shétth ée'ąą audio his face is scarred
niłch'edûug tah audio scattered about
Jah keey niłch'edûug tah shax xuudlah audio  the houses are scattered about here and there
nnekjíit audio I scared you
menegjet audio I am scared of it
naa łii diineltl'ûun menegjed sínt'eh audio I am scared of that dog tied up there
łétdeldôdz audio
eek tedhektsiin gha ch'ěl' ekdóts I'm cutting material to make a dress
ttheet'aał audio
naytetdek audio she is scattering it
staniłxnetdeetl audio they scattered, ran away in different directions
ndêl audio white-winged scoter (Melanitta fusca)
taatsą́ą' ndêl surf scoter (Melanitta perscpicillata)
naltthogh audio (Aythya affinis)
xáxdeldiix shax audio
ch'itthogh' audio scraper tool for tanning skins
náhttheł audio flesher; scraper tool for removing flesh from skin
yehjeeyh audio she or he is scraping it
imperfective paradigmaudio
ekjeeyh yits'ehjeeyh
įhjeeyh ahjeeyh
yehjeeyh xiyehjeeyh

ihtthox audio I am scraping it

imperfective paradigmaudio
ihtthox ts'etthox
intthox ahtthox
yetthox xiyetthox

ch'ethéth étthox audio he or she is scraping a hide
ghįntthą́ą'ą audio scraped skin ready for tanning

ch'edǔul' audio scraps, bits and pieces
ch'egěddh' audio scraps, leftover pieces of moose or caribou skin
shits'ét audio she or he scratched me
nihts'ét audio you scratched me
edishts'ét audio I scratched myself
xoots'ét audio he, she or it is scratching an area
shłǐig' nah'âaz xoots'ét audio my dog is scratching over there (for example, to come in)
shk'ech'itxuts audio I got a scratch (on my skin)
Tanacross uses different words depending on what is being washed.
tth'ák k'éch'éktseł audio I am washing the dishes
imperfective paradigmaudio
k'éch'éktseł k'éyts'éhtseł
k'éch'į́htseł k'éch'áhtseł
k'éych'éhtseł k'éch'áxéhtseł

tth'áak eta'ihłeex I am washing the dishes
lach'egdeex audio I'm washing my hands

imperfective paradigmaudio
lach'egdeex layts'eldeex
lach'ildeex lach'aldeex
lach'eldeex lach'axeldeex

neech'egdeex audio I am washing my face
shch'ěl' na'ihgétth audio I am washing clothes

imperfective paradigmaudio
nach'ihgétth nayts'egétth
nach'ingétth nach'ahgétth
nach'egétth nach'axegétth
mikah naxtegsheek audio  I am searching, rummaging around for it
mikah nats'eneta' audio we are searching, looking for him or her
déktáatth audio I am twisting it
xnídektáath audio I am twisting, screwing it in
niłk'etdédhekt'áath I twisted it on
delt'ék he or she is twisting it off (for example to make a straw from willow bark)

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