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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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łatnaldox audio it shattered, broke to pieces
menh k'et łuut łatnaldox audio the ice on the lake shattered
sdzaad' audio my shin
neldzeeyh audio it (light other than sun) is shining
shenįhdzeeyh audio shine the light on me
xesadin'ąą audio sun is shining
ch'esees audio
xa'etnet-t'aath audio she or he is shaving (body hair)
xa'etnisht'aath audio I am shaving
eksees audio I am shaving, planning wood
kón' yi'éł naduh k'aay gha ch'esees audio he or she is shaving wood to make wood shavings for the fire
edzíi' audio \de
demee audio Dall sheep audio (Ovis dalli)
Demee Ndaag LITERALLY 'sheep lick'
dink'odl audio short (e.g. any plant material, hair)
tsets dink'odl shęę t'įh'ęh audio pick out only short wood
nink'odl audio short (e.g. rope-like objects, mountains)
tth'éex nink'odl ts'į́' inxąą audio make short pieces of sinew
xnink'odl audio short distance (short time)
nihkodl dą́ą' audio short time ago
nihk'odl dé' tah audio in a little while
k'á níntthógh audio not long (temporal)
tetth dą́'ą k'á nín tthógh ihté́e' audio last night I didn't sleep much
shxěddh' audio my shoulder
shgaanchěnn' audio my shoulder blade
daalemets audio (Anas clypeata)
The same word is used for sweeping or shoveling (snow).
dihthet audio I am sweeping it
nashog wu'éł jet-thîid éł naxdinthet audio sweep the floor with the broom
ahłet ní'ihthet audio I am sweeping it into a pile
nech'axnek-'ęh audio  I am showing it to you
shshax meech'axnek-'ęę' audio  I showed him her or her my house
sh'éł ts'enindêg iin audio my siblings
tsudaakeey (Sorex arcticus)
natelts'ųųts audio  it shriveled up, became smaller
jêg natelts'ųųts audio  the berries shriveled up
daadehxetl audio  he, she or it is being silent
niłk'eddh audio next to each other, side by side
niłk'eddh náxedéex audio  they are standing side-by-side
tsą́ą'el'ęę audio she or he is acting silly, clowning around
datnet-ttheey audio she or he is being funny, telling jokes

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