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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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SEE try
ttheł audio an awl
ch'ed audio snowshoe awl ALSO auger
yadíimeey audio
SYN northern lights
yadíimeey audio
SYN aurora
Tanacross has different words that depend whose she is the sister of.
shaak'ey audio my aunt (mother's sister)
stsųų audio my aunt (father's sister) also grandmother
wuch'aa énn' audio
wuch'á' énn' xedilda' audio stay away from him
noxłuu audio
SYN fall (season)
noxłuu xúnłęę audio it is autumn
noxłuu audio
noxłuu xúnłęę audio it is fall time
noxłuu tah dendîig de'ukah nats'elsíix audio in the fall we hunt for moose
SYN autumn
nén' tenh k'ědz' audio falltime
ch'aa audio  away from
dendîig yich'á' sta'itdetth audio  the moose ran away from him
ya'én' audio  away, over there (distant)
ya'én' tíhhaał audio I'm going down that way (toward , say, Copper Center from Tanacross)
teth na'âaz menh dehtaan sixúnt'eh audio there is a lake on the other side of that hill
SEE awake
chín'êy audio  an axe
ch'ín'êy tį́į' audio axe handle
xółxatndéyh audio  she or he is awake
k'įį tth'áatl audio
ts'enîin gaay audio
SYN baby
ts'enîin gaay audio
SYN infant
ch'egaay audio baby animal
xeyh audio
SYN babiche
xeyh audio ALSO spruce roots
SYN rawhide stripes
ch'enxet audio thin snowshoe webbing
shnén' audio my back
shinxǎan' audio my upper back
SEE spine
ts'enîin tl'ǔul' audio
wu'aat kôl audio

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