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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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diitl'og audio something inexpensive
SYN cheap
łéegęyh diitlog gha ndlâan ughihkét audio I bought a lot of crackers because they are inexpensive
tsaał audio
SYN wind
tl'aas audio lake clam
Commonly found in Mansfield Creek. ALSO snail
SYN mussel
tl'aas audio
clam, mussel
łéech'aak audio
łéech'aak audio mud
nah'ôg łéech'aak xúnłęę audio it's muddy outside
łéech'aak na'alják audio there was a mud slide LITERALLY 'mud slid down' ALSO clay
łeet'ot audio mud, quicksand ALSO quicksand
xunshąą audio clever
naagêddh xunshąą audio foxes are clever ALSO wise
xunshąą audio he is wise ALSO clever
ndaxdinshaan sínt'eh audio that is a wise person
eek audio a coat ALSO dress, shirt
eek nádédhégshah audio I'm wearing a coat
xey eek audio winter coat, parka
dąą eek audio old time fur coat
eek audio dress ALSO coat, shirt
ts'éhxeey iin eek naxdelshax, tl'âan dendeey iin dú' ch'ehtle1' shi1i xdel'i1itth audio women wear dresses, but men wear pants
na'ishtl'uh audio I am getting dressed
imperfective paradigm audio
na'ishtl'uh nats'et-tl'uh
na'it-tl'uh na'at-tl'uh
na'et-tl'uh naxet-tl'uh

naghut-tl'uh de'! audio get dressed!

kelahdzeey gǎal' audio
SYN spider web
kelahdzeey audio spider
kelahdzeey gǎal' audio spider web
SYN cobweb
ch'elahdzol audio
SYN spruce cone, pine cone
ts'ôgh audio general term
ts'ôgh tl'eg audio white spruce, young straight spruce
taatthaayh audio black spruce
ch'elaats'eyh audio bark
éł audio spruce boughs
tth'êy audio dry spruce twigs or branches
ch'elahdzol audio spruce cone
SYN cone
éł géddh' audio needle of spruce tree
xeyh audio spruce root
ts'ôgh dehtsel audio green spruce
tatníitthôgh audio rotten spruce
ch'elahdzôl audio
SYN spruce cones
Tanacross has several words referring to how food is cooked, but no word that is just a general term for "heating" food. Instead, the word for 'boil' is used as the general term.
ch'įhmeets! audio cook something!
díi ch'e įhmeedz? audio what are you cooking?
yehmeets audio she or he is boiling it
yeht'éeth audio she or he is frying, roasting it
shtlęę audio my cousin ALSO friend
shtlęę audio my friend ALSO cousin
łéegęyh audio
SYN pilot bread
łéegęyh audio
SYN cracker

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