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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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deeł audio
SYN sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)
deeł audio
SYN crane (Grus canadensis)
ts'idint'eh audio a crippled person
shaatth audio crippled
shaatth nłęę audio he is crippled, handicapped, hobbled by old injury
SYN handicapped
ts'idint'eh audio handicapped person, animal
sháath handicapped, hobbled by old injury
shaath nłęę audio he is handicapped
SYN crippled
taatsą́ą' audio
SYN raven (Corvus corax)
taatsą́ą' audio
SYN crow (Corvus corax)
The same terms are used for grandchildren
shchâay audio women's daughter-in-law
shtthûuy audio man's daughter-in-law
SYN fool, cheat, trick
nashtnin'áayh audio he deceived me
nantnih'áayh audio I deceived you
ts'íitsiy tth'áak audio ALSO pot
ts'íitsiy tth'áak audio ALSO dishpan
The same Tanacross word is used for 'melt'
ta'udeełet audio it dissolved, melted
łuut shthaa ta'udeełet audio the ice dissolved in my mouth
There are several words used to refer to melting ice or snow. See 'thaw' for more examples
ta'udeełet audio it (ice) is melting, thawing
na'elxęę audio
shétth na'elxęę audio the snow is melting
tuu gha shétth na'ekxęę' audio I am melting snow for water
xosk'ée audio ditch ALSO hole, pit
SYN gully
xosk'ée xu'éddh éł xu'althet audio she or he stepped in the ditch and fell down
xosk'ée audio ALSO pit, hole
SYN ditch
xosk'ée audio a hole in the ground
SYN hole ALSO ditch, gully
tsaak'ée audio hole in the ground
xosk'ée audio shallow hole in the ground ALSO ditch, gully
SYN pit
xdú' audio a hole in something
sų́'ų audio
sų́'ų Tok ts'į́' tunsha'a audio don't go to Tok
éna' sų́'ų xu'duu ni'ih audio no, don't say that!
éna' sų́'ų xu'dighundę'ę audio no, don't do that! ALSO no
This word can mean 'stop it', 'no', 'don't do that', but is not used in answer to a question.
éna' audio
éna' dedíhnih audio I said 'no'
nudehket dé' k'á éna' díndí́il audio if he asks you, you can't say 'no' ALSO don't, stop
SEE not
shí' gęyh audio
SYN jerky
shí' gęyh audio
SYN dry meat

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