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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ch'etl'áh théth audio
shtthitth'en2nn' audio my skull
shaa audio
shaa k'et cheltsonh audio the sky is clear
díi yaa k'et nį́h'ęh? audio What you see in the sky?
łdatneninsh audio she or he slammed the door
łdach'etneninsh audio she or he slammed it shut
yajehchék audio she or he is skipping (like skipping rope)
tedhek-k'eeyh audio I am skipping it (rocks across the water)
tthee ts'ehk'eeyh audio we are skipping rocks
eldaax audio a slave, drudge
naxk'ą́ąy tah di'ee'ąą audio it is slanted
nak'ą́ąy ts'į́' dídétaan audio a tree is slanted
k'ą́ąy ts'į́' táxk'éghíh'ąą audio I put it in slanted, sideways
xetl audio sled, especially modern sled with a raised basket
łii xědl' ghá' ch'e jah níníhshaay audio I got here by dogsled
meth audio toboggan style sled
Parts of a sled
xetl théth sled cover
xetl keetl'aad sled runner
xeth daamaath brushbow
xetl tį́į' audio sled handlebars
xetl dzaad' audio sled stanchion
kexnats'éł audio sled brake (the brake anchored to the sled)
ch'et-suux audio
Three different Tanacross words are used when talking about 'sleep'. One refers to sleep as a thing, while two others words refer to sleep as an event.
meł shdehtląą audio I am sleepy audio
meł ndehtląą? audio are you sleepy?
xaameł yįhtęę audio she or he fell asleep
shch'aa meł delneyh audio I couldn't fall asleep
Different action words are used for talking about one or more than one person.

eetęę audio she or he is sleeping
xehteets audio they're sleeping
imperfective paradigm audio
dhihtęę ts'ehteets
dhintęę dhahteets
eetęę xehteets

perfective paradigm audio
ghihté' ts'įhteets
ghinté' ghahteets
ghinté' xghįhteets

xunsųų ghihté' audio I slept well
shíi nehté' audio he or she slept deeply
xeelach'uhté' audio he or she overslept
tneetęę audio she or he is going to sleep

xultlet audio it (area) is slippery
nah'og xúltlet audio it's slippery outside
xá' tah audio slowly
xá' tah xninhéeyh audio talk slowly
xá' tah aahaał audio he or she is walking slowly
xda'eljeyh audio he or she is sliding down
ts'inkeey iin xetl shíi xdáxghéljeyh audio children were sliding down in a sled (repeatedly).
łuut k'et keech'édhekjaak audio I slipped on the ice
tl'uuł mintl'á' ts'enh xanat-ts'eth audio rope slipped out of his or her hand
teyh k'iig audio  slope of a hill
nach'egts'eex audio I'm slurping
ch'etl'ěey' audio  something slimy
łuug tl'ěey' audio fish slime
xatnekxotl audio  I smashed it
yinech'aak audio  she or he smeared him or her (with mud, jelly, googy stuff)

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