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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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detsenh audio
SYN starvation
detsenh audio
SYN famine
detsenh ts'enh xghinłaak audio they died of starvation
xen audio
xen ghegtthet audio I am running fast
SYN quickly
shxołtth'ěnn' audio my femur, thighbone
SYN thighbone
shxołtth'ěnn' audio my thighbone
SYN femur
tsets audio ALSO wood
éth audio dipnet
various parts of a dipnet have their own name
éth dámaadh audio frame of dipnet
éth tį̌į' audio handle of dipnet
tedenin'aay audio thin willow stick used as 'fish detector' in 'eth'
tehmíił audio fishnet, gillnet
yi'éł nách'éhłôgh fishing pole
tiigóg' audio fish spear
xtsiił audio fish weir, fish fence
tedh'aan audio fish trap
tedh'aan dzeey' audio fish trap funnel
dahdzeł audio fish drying rack
ch'e'es fish stringer
meetsel audio fish knife
SYN ulu
wu'eł ch'ettsol fish baling pole
Different words are used for 'flesh of an animal' and the action of removing flesh. Also listed here are tools used in fleshing a skin.
wutthį́į' audio its flesh
mehts'eyh audio ALSO obsidian
mehts'eyh audio ALSO flint
shí' audio ALSO meat
xkéen' audio snacks, rations
ch'ekéen' ég'ęh audio my rations
shké' audio my foot ALSO paw
shkeet'aag top of my foot
shkeetl'áa' audio sole of my foot
shkeetétl audio heel of my foot
wuké' audio it's paw ALSO foot
injih audio
SYN taboo
łą́'ą ch'e injih xendiix audio it true that they say it is forbidden
sú'u xú' duníi, injih ha' audio don't say that, it's taboo
injih audio
SYN forbidden
naaxęy jêg audio
SYN nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)
naaxęy jêg audio
SYN frogberry (Rubus arcticus)
Tanacross uses the same word for cooking something in an oven as for frying in grease.
ekt'éeth audio I'm frying it
imperfective paradigm audio
ekt'éeth yits'eht'éeth
įht'éeth aht'éeth
yeht'éeth xiyeht'éeth
tl'eeł ALSO firedrill
tl'eeł ALSO black birch fungus

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