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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Dithiq'isr HM+KH It is red.  
Dithiq'isr ndałcheth. HM+KH He's wearing something red.  

Ło' ts'in' HM+KH
Ło' ts'in' didene. HM+KH Tell the truth.

See "Truth"

Tr'ołdi' HM+KH
Tr'ołdi niginela. HM+KH Get things ready right now.  
Tr'ołdi dhedo. HM+KH Be ready to go.  

Gitixohał. HM+KH He's reading.  
Yits'i gitixohał. HM+KH He's reading to her.
Gilegiq tixixohał. HM+KH They're reading a book.  

Lit'aq HM+KH It's raw.  
Nelang lit'aq. HM+KH The meat is raw.  

Yixgitsiy HM+KH lit. Everyone's grandfather
Yixgitsiy gihonh. HM+KH Raven is eating something.  

Dandiggiy KH sci. Rubus idaeus
Dandiggiy xotr'athdatl. HM+KH We went for raspberries.  

Viqugathdatl. HM+ED lit. Something came out on his skin.
Gog viqugathdatl. HM+ED The baby has a rash.  
 Xigidinditth'en' HM+KH Rash, pimple  
Silo' gidinditth'en'. HM+KH I have a rash on my hand. 

Niyax. HM+RD He's growing.
Xełedz yixiviningiłyax. HM+RD Raise your children well.

See "Grow"

Yo dhidlik. HM+RD lit. Sky is striped.
Iłchonh xitl'ogh tux yo dhidlik. HM+RD After it rains there is a rainbow.  

Chonh HM+RD

Iłchonh. RD It's raining.  
Ngi'egh getiy iłchonh. HM+RD It's really raining outside.
Ghiłchon'. RD+HM It rained.  

Nixitidilggokdi HM+RD lit. Race place
Ngi'in nixitiliggokdi nidhiso. HM+RD I went to the race. lit. I went over where they are racing.

Ntidliggok. HM+RD He started to run.  
Chel ntidliggok. HM+RD The boy is racing.  

Noghniy HM+RD Rabbit Shageluk word
Noghniy daghitl-'an'. HM+RD I got some rabbits. 
Ggux HM+RD Rabbit Anvik word
Ggux oqo q'udhisiyo. RD+HM I walked around hunting for rabbits.  
Dimzeg RD Summer rabbit 
Dimzeg naghitl-'an'. RD I saw some summer rabbits. 

Ch'uq HM+RD
Łek ch'uq yan' ngilanh. HM+RD The dog is full of quills.  

Giq'ididiłtth'iq. HM+RD Something isn't hearing anything.  
Q'ode diłtth'iq. HM+RD Something is quiet.
Yuxudz giq'i dixidetth'iq. HM+RD They are all quiet.  
Dalik HM+RD Be quiet.  

Dhi'onh. HM+RD It is in a location.  
Yashik yeyighe'onh. HM+RD He put it in the box.
Go nine'oyh. HM+RD Put it here.  
Viqon-gidine'oyh. KH+HM Put the cover back on. Like the loose cover on a jar.
Giyengila. HM+RD Put them in.  
Gidegh nonela. HM+RD Put them away. 
Nalyagh etho yengila. HM+RD Put the potatoes in the pot.  
Nigidentlnik.RD He's starting to put something out.  
Ndiniłnix. HM+RD Put it out. Light or fires

Q'ololeg RD+HM
Q'ode q'ololeg daghitl-'an'. RD+HM A while ago I picked pussy willows.  

Gi'iłniyh. HM+RD He is pushing it.  
Xutl'oy iłniyh. HM+RD He's pushing the back of the sled.
Giloy iłniyh xingo ghihoł. RD+HM He's pushing the back while he's walking.  

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