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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Didinenh. HM+KH He's shaking.
Nałjit ts'i didinenh. HM+KH She's scared and she's shaking.

See "Nervous"

Yidighot. HM+KH She is shaking something.  
Deghot iy. HM+KH Shake it. Commanding one person
Q'idong daghisghot. HM+KH I already shook it.  

Viq'u JD+ED lit. Its blade
Sigidiggadhi'oy viq'u qul. JD+ED My knife is not sharp. lit. My knife its edge none.

See "Arrow", "Blade"

Sigidiggadhi'oy q'u nixuq'o. Sigidiggadhi'oy nixuq'o. JD+ED He is sharpening my knife.  
Tedzeł nixuq'o. JD+ED They are sharpening ice picks.  

Sresr JD+ED
Nelson tuxveł tiniłcheth. Sresr yiyet dititl-'an'. JD+ED Nelson set a fishnet. He's getting sheefish in it.  

Vidixathdloy, viq'idixathdloy JD+ED lit. What things are up on
Vidixathdloy getiy longh gidinałdikdi. JD+ED There are lots of shelves in the school.  
Viq'idixathdloy getiy longh gidinałdikdi.  
Dux HM+KH Shelf lit. Up high
Yashik dux dathtonh. HM+KH The box is on the shelf. 

See "Arrow"

See "Dress"

Dangan qa JD+ED lit. Iron foot From steel shanks in work boots
Ndagh dangan qa angqat? JD+ED Where did you buy the shoes?  

Gidiłtitl. HM+KH He's shooting.  
Nanhdal ts'i gidiłtitl. HM+ED He's shooting at ducks.
Q'iydong gixidiłtitl. HM+ED They were shooting yesterday.  

See "Edge"

Ngiggudz. HM+KH It is short.  
Sidag ngiggudz. HM+KH My dress is short.  

Dighiddh axa tritr q'udalayh. HM+KH He carried wood on his shoulder.  

See "Holler"

Viłiqay HM+KH
Viłiqay sitl'oghditonh Stebbins. HM+KH I was given a shovel in Stebbins.  

Sinoghł tr'iginiłcheth. HM+KH Show me it. For something clothlike
Yitltsen sinoghł tr'iniłcheth. HM+KH Show me what she made.
 Xidiyix sinoghł tr'ixine'onh. HM+KH They showed me their house.  

Xidon-gidineteyh. HM+KH Shut the door.  
 Nałtritl. HM+KH He has his eyes shut.  

Imo ngilanh. HM+KH He is sick.  
Imo itlanh. HM+KH I'm hurt. I'm sick.
Imo ingilanh, he'? JD+HM+ED Are you sick?  

Tsondli'anh. HM+KH She is acting silly.
Tsondli'anh xitlagg. HM+KH She is acting silly or crazy. Said about someone when you're mad at them for being silly.
Tsondhili'an! HM+KH Don't be silly!

See "Joke", "Funny"

Tth'ex HM+KH
Tth'ex axa q'on-gidiłqon'. HM+KH She is sewing with sinew.  

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