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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Gan iy? HM+RD What? What is it?
Ndadz HM+KH What
Ndadz dingit'anh? HM+RD What are you doing?
Ndadz dixi'ne? HM+RD What are they saying?

See "How"

Itlt'iq. Xitlt'iq. HM+RD It is wet.  
Ngi'egh getiy xitlt'iq. HM+RD It's really wet out.
Nidhitlt'iq. HM+RD I got wet.  

Dong thedz HM+RD
Dong tthedz xidetr'iyh. HM+RD Wind is coming from the west.  

Te dili'anhdi HM+RD lit. Water flowing place
Te dili'anhdi nadhiyo. HM+RD He went to the well.  

Xełedz HM+RD
Xełedz dist'a. HM+RD I am well.
Xełedz dixet'a. HM+RD They are well.

See "Neat"

Q'inodle qighitiq HM+RD lit. Between Sundays
Q'inodle tl'ogh HM+RD Next week lit. After Sunday
Q'inodle tl'ogh ngogh tr'itodił. HM+RD Next week somebody is coming to visit you. 

Toxdi nixinithdoł HM+RD lit. Three nights after Sunday

Ivisoghluq gituxvel HM+RD lit. Spider net
Tuxveł tritr gho diłcheth. HM+RD A (spider) web is hanging on the tree.  
Ivisoghluq dituxvel xitux dinthitl'enh. HM+KH Spider made its web amongst the trees.  

Nughit. RD+HM She is weaving.  
Edna xuyh tth'ok nughit. HM+RD Edna is weaving a root basket.  

Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? HM+KH What's it doing outside?  
Ttheting ndadz dixet'a? KH+HM What's it doing outdoors?
Gits'anxitodoł. HM+KH The weather is going to change.  
Tr'anxutidit'ix. HM+KH The weather is going to get bum for a while.  

...oxo dithiggisr. HM+RD lit. ... is wearing out.
Sitth'ol oxo dithiggisr. HM+RD My pants are wearing out.  
Sitth'ol oxo didiggisr. HM+RD My pants wore out.  

Xiye dhi'ath. Ye dhi'atth. HM+KH She is wearing it. This verb is for clothes that the wearer puts on by inserting feet.
Giqałchin neg ye dhi'ath. Giqałchin neg ye dhi'atth. HM+KH She's wearing nice boots. 
Dak ngizren ndałcheth. AJ She's wearing a nice blouse. This verb is for clothes that the wearer puts on by pulling down over the head.
Viye tr'idivizr ngizren ndałcheth. HM+RD She is wearing a nice sweater.  

Tiyh qul. JD+ED lit. Strength none
Ngogh tiyh qul, he'? JD+ED Are you feeling weak?  
Vogh tiyh idiniso. JD+ED I'm too weak to do it. lit. I have no strength for it.

Totth JD+ED
Yeqin xigitotth getiy ngichox. JD+ED Yukon waves are really big.  

Te nighelinghdi JD+ED lit. Water pouring down place
Te nighelinghdi xingosin tr'inadhoł. JD+ED We camped across from a waterfall.  

Tiginiq'at JD+ED
Tiginiq'at xits'i te diqondhisiqonh. JD+ED I carried water up from the water hole.  

Te naq'uddh q'at. JD I want cold water.  

Dinalochin viye xigighidl. JD+ED lit. Our wrist, inside it ticks
Dinalochin viye xigighidl ixidhitlnix. JD I lost my watch.  

Viye ton-galyagh HM+KH lit. In it we wash
Sigiviye ton-galyagh sitl'ongiteyh. HM+KH Give me my washtub back.  

Viye dinalo' tontr'ilagh JD+ED lit. In it we wash our hands
Viye dinalo' tontr'ilagh nda'. JD+ED Give me the wash basin.  

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