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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Sriłti neyo. HM+KH He's hiding. lit. He went where we have to call him (to find him).
Yik'u sriłti neyo. Yik'u niłtri neyo. HM+KH He hid from him.  

Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Way up
Dits'in chux ngidixi not'ux. HM+KH An eagle is flying high.

See "Above", "Up"

See "Mountain"

Gighuth HM+KH lit. Something's hindquarter
Dineg ghuth xoghdetonh. HM+KH A moose hindquarter is hanging.  

Engthidong HM+KH lit. Long time ago
Engthidong gixudhoy HM+KH A story of long ago

See "Ago"

Yitlchith. KH He's hitting it.  
Ine tr'aghłchith. HM He got hit by accident.
Ine tr'aghłchitth. KH He got hit by accident.  
Yinaghiłchith. HM+KH He hit him in the face.  

See "Harness"

Getingh'. KH He's holding something.  
Geting'. HM He's holding something.
Xutl etingh'. KH He's holding a sled.  
Xutl eting'. HM He's holding a sled.  
Ngoxo tasting'. HM I'll hold it for you. 

Vogh yot'an'. HM+ED It has a hole.  
Vitil vogh yot'an'. HM+ED His sock has a hole.
Xinedot'an'. HM+ED The area (ground or ice) has a hole.  
Xinedot'andi xiye dighet'adhin. HM+ED Don't step in a hole. lit. Place with a hole, in there don't step.

Xiyeghelinghdi HM+RD+JD lit. The place where the water is running in

See "Current"

Izrił. HM+KH She's hollering.
Gan oqo ngizrił? HM+KH What are you hollering for?
Łek yi'ezreł. HM+KH Dogs are howling.

See "Howl"

Deloy Chet HM+KH lit. Up against the mountain

Miyok HM+KH From Yup'ik "piivaq" from Russian "pivo", 'beer'
Miyok ni'itltsenh. HM+KH He made another batch of home brew.  

See "Really", "Truth"

Vits'i xitidl'o. HM+ED He honors him.  
Donh ts'i xititl-'o. HM+ED She's honoring her mother.  

Tthigits'ix HM+KH
Tthigits'ix ndili'onh. HM+KH He's wearing his hood.

See "Parka"

Giqandili'adh HM+ED lit. What it steps with
Dineg giqandili'adh chux t'anh. HM+ED Moose have big hooves.  

Ntr'edizrix. HM+KH He's hooking.  
Łegg oqo niłtredizrix. łegg oqo ntre'dizrix. HM+KH He's hooking for fish.
Gilqoy oqo niłtre'dizrix. Giliqoy oqo ntre'dizrix. HM+KH He's hooking for pike.  

Srix HM+KH
Srix xoghdingiłchith. HM Hang it on the hook. Cloth-like object

Divało. HM+KH I hope.  
Divało dist'anh da'. HM+KH I hope I go.  

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