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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Gidile. HM+KH lit. She is singing.
Gidalyayh. HM+KH He is singing something.  
Q'oded gilek idalyayh. HM+KH She is singing a new song.
Gidelyayh. HM+KH Sing something. Commanding one person
Che vandelyayh. HM+KH Sing it again.  
Giduxliyayh. HM+KH Sing something. Commanding more than one person
Ałixi gitr'idalyayh.HM+KH We are singing all together.  
 Yuxudz ałixi gitr'ididlyag. HM+KH Let us all sing together.  

See "Drink"

Voda HM+KH His or her older sister  
Voda Qay Xichux dhido. HM+KH His older sister lives in Anchorage. 
Soda Mary vi'ezre'.HM+KH My sister's name is Mary.  
Ila'a HM+KH Older sister Addressing her.
Ila'a, on. HM+KH Older sister, come.  
Vidadr HM+KH His or her younger sister 
Vidadr ngido' qay dhido. HM+KH Her younger sister lives in a downriver village.  
Dadr yozr HM+KH Younger sister Addressing her
Dadr yozr, on. HM+KH Come, younger sister.

Dhido. JD+ED He's sitting or staying.
Viq'iditr'athdoy q'idz dhido. HM+KH He's sitting in a chair.
Go dhedo. HM+KH Sit here. Commanding one person
Adhedo. ED+JD Sit there. Commanding one person
Go dhisdo ts'in' silogheg tuxosał. KH I'm just sitting here counting/reading my fingers. I'm not doing anything.
Deg tr'ididltth'e.HM+KH We're just sitting around here.

See "Stay"

Dongan giłiq HM+KH lit. Across 1 The fingers of 1 hand with 1 more across them.

Qogg HM+KH lit. Covering
Vina qogg xiditr'etr. HM+KH Her face is rough. lit. Her face skin is rough.
Silo' qogg xidhiggingh. HM+RD My hands are dry. lit. The skin of my hands is dry.

See "Hide" for animal skin.

Yo yan' xelanh. HM+KH The sky is clear. lit. Sky only there is.

Xutl HM+KH
Raymond xutl neg iłtse. HM+KH Raymond is making a nice sled.  

Vił axa dengit'a, he'? HM+KH Are you sleepy?  
Xełedz vił aghngałtingh, he'? HM+KH Did you sleep well?  

Dlen xit'ontałjiyh. HM+KH The mouse is sliding down.  
Sraqay xit'onxitałjiyh. HM+KH The kids are sliding down.  

Gitl'isrgi HM+KH
Silo' gitl'isrgi yan'. HM+KH I've got slime on my hands.  

Xidliqit. HM+KH She slipped.  
Tinh q'idz xidliqit. HM+KH He slipped on the ice.
Imk'i xidhigiqit. HM+ED I nearly slipped.  
Ting xidhigiqit. ED+KH I slipped on the trail.  
 Q'utagiqik. HM+ED I'm going to slip. 
Xiliqik. HM+KH It's slippery.  
 Ting xiliqik! HM+KH The road is really slippery. The road is very icy!  

Viyenqaghtr'idaldhiy HM+KH lit. In them we slip our feet
Soda viyenqaghtr'idaldhiy iłtse. HM+KH My older sister is making slippers.  

Tochagg ED+KH
Tochagg tiginingiłcheth. ED+KH Put a net in the slough.  

Xot ghing-hoł. ED+KH Walk slowly.  

Istl'i ED+KH I'm small.
Istl'i dong. ED+KH When I was small.
Ngistl'i iy sitl'odetret. ED+KH Serve me just a small piece.

See "Few"

Yiłtsinh. HM+ED He smells it.  
Louise xizrugh iłtsinh. HM+ED Louise smells blackfish.
Gan a itltsinh hiy? HM+ED What do I smell?  
Vuxidithiddh'aq. HM+ED It smells.  
Ngitil uxidithiddh'aq. HM+ED Your socks are smelly. 
Gan a vuxidithijid? HM+KH What smells?  

Givisr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek. ED She is smiling. lit. Corner of her mouth pulled.
Ngivisr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek. HM You are smiling.
Diane visr tl'ogh xiyił tithinek. HM+ED Diane is smiling.  
Nigiq'en'. HM+ED She's smiling. What they say when a baby smiles in its sleep. This is "Indian high language".

Giditljit. ED+KH He is smoking.  
Didljid ditljit. ED+KH He is smoking a cigarette.
Gixididljid ts'in'. ED+KH They aren't smoking.  

Łit ixitltsinh. ED+KH I smell smoke.  

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