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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Yitl'otohoł. JD+KH He's going to marry her. He's going to live with her.
Niłtl'onxivigighelo. RD+JD They got married.  

Gitsighiy KH+ED
Gitsighiy getiy long daghł'an. KH+ED He caught lots of marten.  

Giyema KH+ED
Giyema vina' detonh ts'i gixidaght'an'. KH+ED He's wearing a mask on his face while he's dancing.
Giyema k'idz ntr'ił'in Messenger masks lit. Mask little flash of light
Giyema k'idz ntr'ił'in todił. HM+RD Messenger masks are going to go out. To invite them to a mask dance, one village sends messengers bearing small masks to another village .

See "Dance"

Deq'oy KH+ED
Deq'oy nda' vixanxatatlq'ol. KH+ED Give me matches so I can make a fire.  

Tał ngiyixi ntatlchith ts'in' enastał. KH+ED I'll put a mattress down on the floor and go to bed.  

Vinginh tr'ey titr'ilay. Vinginh tr'eyh titr'ilay. KH+ED lit. The month we put boats in the water

Ndałon KH
Venhdida' tohoł ndałon. KH Maybe he'll go tomorrow.  

Digenegh KH lit. Over on the Kuskokwim River
Digenegh q'udasidhit. Gidenegh q'udasidhit. KH+ED I traveled around McGrath.  

Vixiyo' tr'ot'ix HM+RD+JD He's mean. lit. His thought is bad.
Getiy vixiyo' tr'ot'ix. KH+ED He's really mean.  

Nelang KH+ED
Nelang niłtongit'oth. KH+ED Cut the meat up.  
Nelang ggingh KH+ED Dried meat  
Nelang ggingh uq'utr. KH He's chewing dried meat. 
Nelang t'ath AJ+ES Fried meat  

Imo k'o KH+ED lit. Prevent sickness
Imo k'o axa dit'anh. KH He's using medicine.  
Giliq'oy imo k'o xeyaghli'an'. ED+KH They used Hudson Bay tea as medicine.  

Diyin ED
Qay diyin xighelong'. HM+ED There were lots of medicine men in that village.  

Xinaxidilughusr. HM+JD lit. They talk about things.
Xinaxidilughusrdi nonxididatl. ED+KH They went to the meeting place.  

Ntidlighanh. KH+ED It started to melt.  
Yith ntidlighanh. KH+ED Snow is melting.  

Tthogiqay nontr'ididiłdi KH+ED lit. The day we go to the graveyard
Tthogiqay nontr'ididiłdi nonxididhit. KH+ED It's Memorial Day.  

Xinthitsitl. KH+ED It's messy.  
Siyix getiy xinthitsitl. KH+ED My house is really messy.  

See "Between"

Ggagg mama' HM+JD lit. Animal's milk
Ggagg mama' vitux nengeł ts'in' ngohonh. KH Put milk on it and eat it.  

Chel k'idz vidze qul. ED+KH The little boy won't mind. lit. He has no ears.
Dingdisne ts'i dingit'anh. ED+KH Mind me. Do what I tell you.  

Xiyo ED+KH
Xiyo tidhet'el ts'in'. ED+KH You won't have a good mind. Encouraging children to listen.
Ithe xiyo dingił'anh. ED+KH You should think ahead.
Getiy xiyo t'anh. ED+KH She has a good mind.

See "Think", "Intelligent"

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