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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Oxo AJ+AJ For, benifitting
Ngoxo diye gitasngił. AJ+ES I'll pour for you.
Oqo ES For, seeking
Ggex oqo xinił'anh. ES It is looking for worms.

Viqa' ES+AJ Her foot  
Alta viqa' imo. ES Alta's foot is sore.  

Sivav gho xisrigidisddhinh. AJ I'm thankful for my food.  
Sivav gho srigidisdhet. ES I'm thankful for my food.  

Getiy eq xelanh. HM+ED There's too much fog.  
Getiy eq ngichox. HM+ED The fog is thick.
Yix didhuxltth'e. Ngo getiy eq ngichox. Viye imo dit'anh iy n'iy. ES Stay in the house; it's too foggy. In it there is sickness.  
Eq getiy ngichox. Yix diduxdltth'e. Viyiq imo dit'anh iy. AJ It's too foggy. Stay in the house. In it there is sickness.  
Yixi getiy eq ngichox. AJ Down around those places there's a lot of fog. 

Xughusr AJ+ES
Tinh tl'ogh xughusr getiy ngichox. AJ After the ice is gone there's lots of foam.  

Gitthing' hon AJ+ES lit. That which eats meat
Getiy gitthing' hon longh. AJ There are lots of flies.  
Gitthing' hon getiy longh. ES There are lots of flies.  

Q'unt'oxiy yet niso. AJ+ES I came by (inside) airplane.  
Nigenot'ux. ES It will fly back.
 Nigenthiyił. AJ They started to fly away.  
Nanhdal nigenthiyił. AJ Ducks are flying away. When they head South.
Nanhdal nigindiyił. AJ+ES Ducks are flying back. When they return North.

Diniłvidz HM+ED
Diniłvidz oqo xiningił'anh. HM+ED Look for flowers.  
 Xinołyal diniłvidz HM+ED Flower petals.  

Nelingh. AJ+ES It's flowing.  
Srixno' getiy nelingh. AJ+ES The creek is flowing swiftly.  

Vigaq AJ+ED
Vigaq angqat, he'? HM+ED Did you buy flour?  

Xiqidine'on AJ+ES
Githadlividz q'at xiqidine'on lay. AJ+ES I need lumber for flooring.  

Ngin HM+ED
Ngin tr'ididltth'e. HM+ED We're sitting on the ground.  

Tidlivinh. HM+ED Water is rising.  
Dinayix xiq'idlivinh. AJ+ES Our house started to flood.
Ngan' q'idlivinh, yuxudz.ES+AJ It flooded over the land. Everything.  

Toqogg ES+AJ
Dandhi'on tr'iniha toqogg. AJ+ES We pick salmon berries on the flats.

See "Tundra"

Dithit'its iy ES It's flat.  
Viq'i gitr'iłnon q'idz ts'i xithitl'isr. AJ A table is flat on top.
Viq'i gitr'iłnon q'idz xidithit'its. ES A table is flat on top.  

Q'udiluq'oy AJ+ES lit. That which shines
Q'udiluq'oy q'u'e'oyh. AJ+ES He's carrying a flashlight around.  

Vogh nineneyh iy. AJ+ES You fix it.  
Vogh non'isineyh. HM+ED I'm fixing it.
Vogh ntasnek iy. ES I'll fix it.  
Vogh ntasneyh iy. AJ I'll fix it.  

Viye ghałchux iy. AJ+ES lit. Same size
Loggisr vilo' ghałchux. HM+KH The gloves just fit his hands.  

Gits'an-ghiliqil. AJ+ES lit. It turns in the current.
Gits'an-ghiliqil ts'antasiqanh. AJ I paddled to the fish wheel.  
Gits'an-ghiliqil ts'antasiqał. ES I'll paddle to the fish wheel.  

Tidhi'on. AJ+ES lit. It's in the water.
Sito' tidhi'on itltsenh. AJ+ES My father made a fish trap.  

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