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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Tl'ogh HM+KH
Chonh tl'ogh xigide'on'. AJ After the rain it is sunny.  
Eniggan xitididił łeggitl'ogh. AJ They'll go back after the fish.  
Yitotl'ogh LH+KH After, after that  
Yitotl'ogh ndadz dit'anh? LH+KHAfter that what is she doing? 

Nałjit LH+KH She is afraid.  
Tsaghłde'on ts'inałjit. LH He's afraid of the dark.
Tsaghiłde'on dixinałjit.KH He's afraid of the dark.  

Q'a'ididhidin, Q'i'ididhidin HM+KH lit. A person already grown up
Chel q'a'ididhit. LH+KH The boy is grown up.  
Nadhiyonh. JD+RD Grown up lit. He grew up.
Chel nadhiyonhinh. HM+KHThe boy that is grown up. 

Gog sitl'oghiłtanh. HM+KH I adopted a baby. lit. A baby was given to me.
Engan xits'i gog sitl'oghiłtanh. Engan xits'in' gog sitl'oghiłtanh. HM+KH I adopted a baby from Outside (outside Alaska). lit. From out there a baby was given to me.

Engan LH+KH
Engan n'entht'uq. LH+KH It is flying across the river.
Engosin JD+KH Across, on the other side
Engosin dhido. JD+KHShe is sitting across there.

See "Opposite"

Xiyo xinadilighusr. LH+KH They are talking about it.  

Xogh gidegh nixinedatl. LH+KH lit. They went away from there.
Xiyeghelinghdi xogh gidegh nixinedatl. LM+KH Holikachuk is an abandoned village. lit. They went away from Holikachuk.

See "Afraid"

See "Holler"

See "Arrow"

See "Dress"

See "Edge"

See "Holler"

See "Drink"

See "Rock"

See "Sad"

See "Much"

See "Ermine"

See "Hope"

See "Holler"

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