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Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
Tanacross Learners' Dictionary
compiled by Irene Solomon Arnold, Gary Holton, and Rick Thoman
Copyright © 2006 Alaska Native Language Center. The materials on this site, including Tanacross language transcriptions and audio recordings are intended for educational and reference purposes only. Commmercial use is strictly prohibited. Reproduction for non-profit educational purposes is permitted, provided appropriate citation is included. See complete terms of use. Please direct questions and comments to

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ntl'á'ih'aayh audio I am giving it to you
Different words are used depending on the type of object or if more than one object is being handled. The same basic set of Tanacross words are used in slightly different forms for English action words "give", "there is", "carry", "pick up", "put down"
More than one of any object
eek shtl'á'indlah audio you give me the coats
eek ntl'á'ghíhdlah audio I gave you the coats
One compact object
tthee gaay shtl'ánín'aayh audio give me the small rock
tthee gaay ntl'á'ghíh'ąą audio I gave you the little rock
One long and skinny object (like a pencil)
k'á' shtl'á'íntiiyh audio give me the gun
k'á' n1tl'ághíhtąą audio I gave you the gun
One pourable object (in a container)
tuu shtl'á'ínkaayh audio give me the water (in a cup)
tuu ntl'ághíhkąą audio I gave you the water
One flat, flexible object
eek shtl'á'į́hchuuth audio give me the shirt
eek ntl'ághékchuuth audio I gave you the shirt
One (ready to eat) chunk of food
má' shtl'á'į́hchuut audio give me the dry fish
má' n1tl'ághekchúut audio I gave you the dry fish
One living object (like a puppy or baby)
ts'enîin gaay shtl'á'į́hteeyh audio give me the baby
ts'enîin gaay ntl'ághéktęę audio I gave you the baby
Since 'giving' includes a 'giver' and a 'receiver', the number of possible combinations is large. Below are examples using the 'gave one compact object' word.
tthee gaay wutl'á'níhdlah audio I gave him/her the small rocks
tthee gaay yitl'áníndlah audio she or he gave him or her the small rocks
tthee gaay wutl'áts'enindlah audio we gave him/her the small rocks
tthee gaay shtl'áxníndlah audio they gave me the small rocks
tthee gaay xuutl'áníhdlah audio I gave them the small rocks
tthee gaay neetl'áníndlah audio you gave us the small rock
A different word can be used to emphasize handing something quickly
shtl'adintsiit audio hand it (something long, like a pencil) to me fast

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